ESSEM 2017@ACII: Call for participation

[Apologies for cross-posting]


3rd International Workshop on Emotion and Sentiment in Social and 
Expressive Media (ESSEM 2017): User Engagement and Interaction
Menger Hotel, San Antonio, Texas
October 23, 2017

Co-located with the seventh International Conference on Affective 
Computing and Intelligent Interaction, ACII 2017 (

The role of emotional intelligence is increasing at fast speed in 
everyday computer-mediated interactions, thanks to the integration of 
more or less explicit affective elements in social networks, apps, 
virtual assistants, etc. Expressed through emojis, color, tags or 
speech, affect has become part of our relationships with computers, 
adding depth and involvement to them. The technical advancement of the 
available expressive means, from 3D to language technologies, is one of 
the key factors of this process.
ESSEM 2017 addresses the expression of emotions in many-to-many 
interaction and in one-to-one interaction as a tool for promoting, 
analysing and measuring user engagement. In particular, we are 
interested in tools and models that rely on NLP, acoustic and video 
analysis; theories and methods that bridge the expression of emotions 
from language to media are especially needed to overcome the limitations 
of language-specific and media-specific approaches.
ESSEM 2017 focuses on interaction as a testbed for the models and tools 
developed for social and expressive media, with the ultimate goal of 
devising socio-emotional strategies to foster user engagement. ESSEM 
aims at bringing together researchers and practitioners both from 
academia and industry. It wants to take an active part in growing a new 
field in terms of multidisciplinary research and to investigate open 
issues by cross-validating different approaches in emotion research.


Dirk Heylen ( University of Twente)
“Engagement in Conversation Revisited”
Abstract: Recent years have seen a growing number of studies on 
“engagement” in conversations. Studies often start with an analysis of 
the meaning of the term. There is however no consensus about the meaning 
and how it should be operationalised in terms of annotation. This makes 
comparing results and insights across corpora quite difficult. In this 
talk I would like to take stock of the situation. Also I would like to 
try to offer some suggestions about how to improve dealing with such 
vague concepts as engagement in affective computing research.

Georgios Yannakakis (Institute of Digital Games, Univ. of Malta)
“Gold-plating the standards of affect through games”
Abstract: How can expressive media help us better understand emotion? 
How can they help us reach out towards the golden standard of emotion 
and model it computationally? What happens to our emotion manifestations 
when we interact with expressive media? What if the very context of 
emotion becomes a reference point within that interaction? In this talk 
I will address these questions and will attempt to reframe the way we 
view affect annotation and affect modeling through highly expressive 
media such as games. Inspired by theoretical frameworks and grounded in 
empirical evidence, I will present a number of effective tools and 
methods for annotating and modeling affect in (and through) games.


9:00am - 9:15am

9:15am - 10:00am
Keynote: Dirk Heylen (University of Twente), Engagement in Conversation 

10:00am - 10:30am
Technical session I

Multimodal Multimodel Emotion Analysis as Linked Data - J. Fernando 
Sánchez-Rada; Carlos A. Iglesias; Hesam Sagha; Ian Wood; Bjorn Schuller; 
Paul Buitelaar

10:30am - 11:00am

11:00am - 12:30am
Technical session II

Neural Domain Adaptation of Sentiment Lexicons - Oscar Araque; Marco 
Guerini; Carlo Strapparava; Carlos Angel Iglesias

Agree To Disagree: Improving Disagreement Detection with Dual GRUs - 
Sushant Hiray; Venkatesh Duppada

Ethical implications of analyzing opinions, emotions and interactions in 
social media - Viviana Patti; Rossana Damiano; Cristina Bosco

12:30pm - 2:00pm

2:00pm - 2:45pm
Keynote: Georgios Yannakakis (Institute of Digital Games, Univ. of 
Malta), Gold plating the standards of affect through games

2:45pm - 3:30pm
Technical session III

Acoustic Analysis of Infant Cry Signal Towards Automatic Detection of 
the Cause of Crying - Shivam Sharma; Pruthvi Raj Myakala; Rajasree 
Nalumachu; Vinay Kumar Mittal; Suryakanth V Gangashetty

Affective Evaluation for Material Perception of Bead-coated Resin 
Surfaces Using Visual and Tactile Sensations under Virtual and Real 
Environments - Michiko Ohkura; Wataru Morishita; Ryuji Miyazaki; Masato 
Takahashi; Hiroko Sakurai; Kiyotaka Yaimizu; Akira Nakayama

3:30pm - 4:00pm

4:00pm - 5:30pm
Technical session IV

An Intelligent System for Infant Cry Detection and Information in Real 
Time - Pruthvi Raj Myakala; Rajasree Nalumachu; Shivam Sharma; Vinay 
Kumar Mittal

Affective Multi-Agent System for Simulating Mechanisms of Social Effects 
of Emotions - Mara Pudane

Effect of Different Music Genre: Attention vs. Meditation - Esther 
Ramdinmawii; Vinay Kumar Mittal

5:30pm - 5:45pm
Announcements and goodbye

ESSEM 2017 is supported by: CELI Language Technology - 


Rossana Damiano
University researcher and Assistant professor of Computer Science

Dipartimento di Informatica, Università di Torino - Corso Svizzera 185 
10149 Torino (Italy) - + 39 011 6706816
Member of Content Centered Computing Group

Scuola di Studi Umanistici,  Corso di laurea in DAMS (School of Arts and 
New Media), Università di Torino - Via Sant'Ottavio 20 10124 
Torino, Italy - +390116 6703296
CIRMA - Centro Interdipartimentale per la Multimedialità e l'Arte 
dell'Università di Torino <> <>

"If you are not prepared to be wrong, you'll never come up with anything 
original" (Sir Ken Robinson)

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