Call for Participation: SemEval-2018 Task 2, Multilingual Emoji Prediction

[Apologies for cross posting]

*********** CALL for PARTICIPATION ***********

SemEval-2018 Task 2, Multilingual Emoji Prediction👍
Affect and Creative Language in Tweets Track
*Training data available!*

*** OVERVIEW ***

Given the paramount importance of visual icons for providing an 
additional layer of meaning to social media messages, on one hand, and 
the indisputable role of Twitter as one of the most important social 
media platforms, on the other, we propose the Emoji Prediction task. We 
invite participants to submit systems designed to predict, given a tweet 
in English or Spanish, its most likely associated emoji. We will 
challenge systems to predict emojis among a wide and heterogeneous emoji 
space. As for the experimental setting, we remove the emoji from the 
tweet and ask users to predict it, ignoring tweets including more than 
one emoji, for simplicity purposes (same settings as in [1]). We will 
provide data for two tasks:

Subtask 1: Emoji Prediction in English
Subtask 2: Emoji Prediction in Spanish

Participants can take part in one or two of the subtasks.

[1] Barbieri F., Ballesteros M., Saggion H., Are Emojis Predictable?, 
European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics 
Valencia, 3-7 April 2017.

*** Task Details  ***

Training and Evaluation Data. The training data for the task consists of 
500k tweets in English and 100K tweets in Spanish. The tweets were 
retrieved with the Twitter APIs, from October 2015 to February 2017, and 
geolocalized in United States and Spain. The dataset includes tweets 
that contain one and only one emoji, out of the 20 most frequent ones.

*** Important Dates ***

*21 Aug 2017*: Trial data release
*18 Sep 2018*: Training data release
*8 Jan 2018*: Test data release. Evaluation start
*29 Jan 2018*: Evaluation end
*26 Feb 2018*: System description paper deadline

*** Organizers ***

*Universitat Pompeu Fabra, LaSTUS lab, Spain*
Francesco Barbieri
Luis Espinosa-Anke
Francesco Ronzano
Horacio Saggion

*Sapienza University, Italy*
Jose Camacho-Collados
Valerio Basile

*IBM Watson, USA*
Miguel Ballesteros

*University of Torino, Italy*
Viviana Patti

Contact email: 

Received on Monday, 9 October 2017 21:48:04 UTC