Re: AW: [CfP] VOILA 2017 @ ISWC 2017 - 3rd Workshop on Visualization and Interaction for Ontologies and Linked Data

On 2017-05-09 11:40, Lohmann, Steffen wrote:
> we had good experiences with these submission guidelines in the past editions of VOILA, and there has been no single request for changing them so far. 


My point is that, you *are* in a privileged position to set the agenda
towards what you and wish the community to achieve. I'd like to
encourage you to take that opportunity. If seeing "Webby" academic
output is not of interested, there is no point to this discussion. If
you do want to see it happen - and I think you do :) - you have two options:

A. continue with PDF as per usual - gaining trivial metadata at best

B. welcome native Web tech - potentially gaining complete granular
semantics, interactive articles, and so forth

One of those options, for whatever it is worth, will lead you to getting
that knowledge *on the Web* - LOD cloud being one place - making it
actually accessible, usable, queryable, and an opportunity for
subsequent VOILA workshops to use its own data to demonstrate whatever
the new stuff R&D is up to.

> However, I agree HTML-based formats have certainly benefits over PDF (if produced properly), and we generally support them in our group at Uni Bonn as you know.

I didn't mention HTML, but, sure, HTML may be one possibility.

Can you provide URLs to what you consider to be "produced properly"?

> We therefore already discussed this issue among us VOILA organizers
and will likely go for a similar model as this year's ISWC, i.e., allow
for submissions either in PDF or HTML, whatever authors prefer


FYI, more or less the same guidelines were given in ISWC 2016:

> see

I'm... I am aware.


Received on Tuesday, 9 May 2017 15:39:48 UTC