Re: state of the art

Here, fyi

Culture and International Usability Testing:
    The Effects of Culture in Structured Interviews, Pérez-Quiñones, Vatrapu

On Fri, Sep 5, 2008 at 10:30 PM,  <> wrote:
> Thanks a lot AB (Avi?)
> couple of quick comments:
>>> 2. assuming that these tools being discussed work with unstructured
>>> information (not published on the web in rdf/owl) - does that show
>>> that 'reasoning' can be done by the tool, not requiring the content to
>>> be expressed in owl/rdf?
>> I am confused about this question. All four tools investigated operate
>> directly on an OWL KB. The one used in the experiment can be found at:
> sorry - my mistake - I was looking quickly - I am still thinking of
> tools that would perform semantic based reasoning using
> unstructured kb, such as the web - I ll have to look again
>>> 3.  should we carry out this study (or similar ones) with interfaces
>>> in different languages, and in different countries, and see if the
>>> results are comparable? (this would come under the scope of our
>>> current interest with the global perspective)
>> The answer is, probably yes. But the tests are a lot of work!
> Yes sure, can be fun when you have lots of resources :-)
> I think the point that I am trying to make, after reading related
> literature, is that the usability methods
> need to be tailored to the local culture, and when it comes to the
> web, the culture is global,
>> Note, however, that even though all tests were carried out in English most
>> subjects weren't English native speakers. This is further supporting our
>> findings as they are probably even less comfortable to use English than
>> their native language. Hence, even a less desirable natural language was
>> preferred over a logic-based one.
>> We did ask the subjects about their prior knowledge/familiarity with English
>> and this did not have any significant outcome on the results (see page 289)
>> of the ISWC'07 paper.
> according to what I am reading , there are a lot more dimension to
> 'culture' than language, will see if I can articulate
> some points  for the workshop (deadline loomin) and for further discussion
> lots and lots more to talk,
>> Avi
> --
> Paola Di Maio
> School of IT
> *********************************************

Paola Di Maio
School of IT

Received on Saturday, 6 September 2008 05:59:19 UTC