Usability research on faceted filtering?

Hi all,

I'm writing a short briefing paper on the increasing use of faceted
filtering, aiming to offer some usability-related onservations and
guidelines. Can anyone point me to any usability research/evaluations,
ideally fairly current, particularly focusing on comparative studies or
effectiveness studies of particular implementations? Not surprisingly, they
are harder to find than papers comparing facets to straight search, or
clustering, or just describing facet use.

What works and what doesn't in user terms when implementing faceted
filtering? I'm looking at things like:

- user awareness of behavior, and expected behavior
- term construction (length, parallelism, etc)
- number of facets
- number of items in facets
- single selection vs multi-selection vs drill-down selection
- clearing selections
- new use of controls (sliders, radio buttons, etc)

Any and all suggestions gratefully received!

Duane Degler

Received on Monday, 26 May 2008 23:35:44 UTC