Re: SWUI workshop accepted at ISWC 2006

You might want to attend the following workshop, too:

> 1st Workshop:
> ''SemWiki2006 - From Wiki to Semantics''
> co-located with the 3rd Annual European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC)
> Budva, Montenegro, Monday, June 12th, 20062006

I'm not too keen on the title, but the workshop itself should be  
really cool.



On May 23, 2006, at 17:57 , Lloyd Rutledge wrote:

> Sören,
> To achieve these four goals, submit a SWUI06 paper on them. And
> build them up in this forum, of course. How can you frame these
> questions from the perspective of an improved user experience? And
> what does SW in particular make possible that wasn't before?
> Your fourth bullet, minimizing user interaction to achieve certain
> goals, is interesting. Can you define the goals in terms of the
> knowledge structure? How do you measure "minimized interaction"? With
> number of user "clicks"? However, doesn't what you write about
> coordinated client/server speed up on the processing time, while the
> "clicks" remain the same?
> Bullets one and two mention "widgets" as general purpose, detailed
> components of interfaces. Are there certain types of interaction
> widgets that are specific to the Semantic Web? Do any of these
> represent new paradigms? Categorizing such widgets contributes to
> bullet three by contributing to an ontology of Semantic Web
> interaction paradigms that different interfaces (browsers) offer.
> -Lloyd
> Sören Auer wrote:
>> wrote:
>>> The ISWC committee has accepted our Semantic Web User Interaction
>>> workshop proposal.
>> Congratulations!
>> With Powl [1] and recently OntoWiki (see [2] for a preliminary  
>> demo) I'm
>> developing with fellows two complementary UIs for the Semantic  
>> Web. From
>> my experience the current paradigm shift from static or dynamically
>> generated web pages towards interactive web applications could really
>> advance user interfaces for the Semantic Web and foster their larger
>> deployment. Conventional Web technologies do not support large  
>> data sets
>> to be handled at the client (browser) side. But this is usually  
>> needed
>> when working with larger knowledge bases. To overcome this  
>> limitation,
>> reloading of web pages becomes necessary. This approach is time
>> consuming and requires multiple user interactions. Recently, with the
>> deployment of more sophisticated Web browsers, supporting modern
>> JavaScript and XML technologies, mixed server and client side web
>> applications became possible (e.g. AJAX).
>> I would really appreciate if the workshop could contribute on  
>> employing
>> this paradigm shift for semantic web UIs, for example by:
>> * defining requirements for (dynamic) reusable widget sets for  
>> semantic
>> web UIs
>> * development strategies for the dynamic, interactive combination of
>> such widgets
>> * approaches and their comparison for domain independent ontology
>> presentation (e.g. Fresnel, Xenon etc.)
>> * presenting strategies to minimize required user interactions to
>> achieve certain goals (e.g. building a query, adding information  
>> etc.)
>> --Sören
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> --------------------------------------------------------------
>> Sören Auer - +1 (610) 804-5142
>> University of Pennsylvania, Dep. of Computer & Inform. Science

Axel Rauschmayer

Received on Tuesday, 23 May 2006 16:38:59 UTC