Re: seedling topic list for SWUI06

Thanks, Raphaël.  The potential relation between form of raw data and the
quality of interaction with it is interesting.  Also important is how
to seamlessly merge in the interface the two data merges you mention:
different vocabularies and different formalisms.  I've "merged" the
merge bullets, added the measure bullet, and made other changes, making
the list now:

     * requirements on data
           o measuring and determining how data can enhance good interaction
           o annotations on media
           o a seamless interface from merged: data, vocabularies, formalisms
     * browsing
           o local view browsing
           o style and layout
           o selection of media for presentation
           o assisted navigation
     * search
           o assisted querying
           o facet browsers
           o relevance measures
     * large-scale structural visualization
           o document-based
           o graphic-based
           o geographic-based
           o dimensional views
           o generated presentations
     * adaptation and personalization
           o user models: formation, representation and processing
           o recommendation
           o parameters of adustment in SWUI
     * user as author
           o publishing and sharing
           o indentity
           o approachable interfaces
     * personal and social challenges
           o community dymanics
           o trust
           o privacy
           o adoption
     * the changed user experience
           o new personas, tasks and goals
           o new sitations, contexts and scenarios
           o user-centered design and other methodologies for designing SWUIs

How does this look?  Does the merge merge oversimplify -- are there key user
issues that are different for merging data, vocabularies and formalisms?


Raphaël Troncy wrote:

> Hi Lloyd, all,
> Following the thread started at
> I think the first bullet "requirements on data" could be expanded into the
> following sub-topics:
>     - Multiple vocabularies and interoperability (as soon as a SW repository
> makes use of several vocabularies, then comes the problem of how these
> vocabularies interoperate, overlap, etc ...)
>     - Data format, knowledge representation language / formalism used: even
> if the data share a common RDF/XML syntax, it might come from different KR
> formalisms (RDFS, various OWL flavors, SKOS, etc.)
>     - Quality of the data: measures for accessing the quality of a SW
> repository that will influence the SWUI.
> Just my 2c.
>     Raphaël
> --
> Raphaël Troncy
> CWI (Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science),
> Kruislaan 413, 1098 SJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands
> e-mail: &
> Tel: +31 (0)20 - 592 4093
> Fax: +31 (0)20 - 592 4312
> Web:

Received on Tuesday, 6 June 2006 14:38:31 UTC