seedling topic list for SWUI06

Below is an initial topic list, sitting now on the SWUI06 webpage.
Please offer comments, modification and additions.  We intend such a
"list" as the primary result rather then a lead-in for this particular
workshop's format, but let the list below serve as a "strawman" to
start developing the workshop's product: a common understanding of
SWUI topics, issues and challenges.

And now the list:

     * requirements on data
     * browsing
           o local view browsing
           o style and layout
           o assisted navigation
     * search
           o assisted querying
           o facet browsers
           o relevance measures
     * semantically annotated media in generated interfaces
     * large-scale structural visualization
           o document-based
           o graphic-based
           o geographic-based
           o dimensional views
     * personalization and adaptation
     * user as author: sharing knowledge
           o trust
           o community dymanics
           o approachable interfaces
     * issues of adoption
     * the changed user experience
           o new personas, tasks and goals
           o new sitations, contexts and scenarios
           o new requirements

Additionally, the workshop's product needn't be simply a "list" but
instead, as a "common understanding", be a Semantic Web knowledge
repository with SWUI access, for which such a list is only one view.


Received on Friday, 26 May 2006 10:38:27 UTC