Re: FHIR server implementation having a RDF triplestore

Dear Sivaram,
Thank you for your answer.
To understand better, what is the motivation to keep a HAPI / RDBMS store
if we have the data in RDF?

On Fri, Jan 28, 2022 at 12:59 AM Sivaram Arabandi, MD <> wrote:

> Hi Daniel,
> I have a need for a native RDF store with FHIR capability too and have
> been looking for the past few months but with no luck. We may just have to
> build one. :)
> If the need is only for FHIR Terminology, you can try Ontoserver
> <> - has a FHIR endpoint and can load OWL
> files (after converting to a FHIR resource). It does not have SPARQL
> capability however. And it is a commercial product.
> If we do end up building one, it will probably be a knowledge platform
> with separate stores internally - one for FHIR (something like HAPI/RDBMS?)
> and a separate triple store for Ontologies and RDF data, and keeping the
> data synchronized between the two stores to the extent possible.
> cheers
> Sivaram
> ______________________
> Sivaram Arabandi, MD, MS
> Ph: 832.726.2322
> Li :
> Think Semantics. Tame Silos.
> On Thu, Jan 27, 2022 at 5:16 PM Daniel Teixeira <> wrote:
>> Dear Vladimir, thank you for your answer.
>> My question is not really to know the implementations of RDF
>> triplestores, but rather if there are implementation of a FHIR server using
>> a RDF triplestore as database layer?
>> For example HAPI FHIR uses JPA and stores the resources as a CLOB in a
>> database supporting JPA so mainly RDBMS (MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle..) and
>> the resource is encoded in JSON in one single column.
>> Aysmmetrik FHIR server uses mongo:
>> But I can't find a an implementation of a FHIR server that stores the
>> FHIR TTL in a RDF triplestore...
>> So my question is, is there an impementation (like HAPI , Aysmmetrik,
>> Firely...) that uses really FHIR RDF natively in a RDF triplestore.
>> On Thu, Jan 27, 2022 at 10:12 PM Vladimir Mironov <
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi Daniel,
>>> of course, there are plenty of, so even about a decade ago we were
>>> able to benchmark some half a dozen of those, none perfect, you just need
>>> to decide on what is of most import for you.
>>> As far as we are concerned, the decision was to stay with the Open Link
>>> Virtuoso implementation at that time, one of the advantages being that you
>>> were free to flip from an RDF endpoint to a  conventional SQL database at
>>> no cost.
>>> We may still revise our decision, of course, given the options available
>>> nowadays, yet what I can at least say is that Virtuoso does work.
>>> Cheers.
>>> On Thu, 27 Jan 2022 at 15:59, Daniel Teixeira <> wrote:
>>>> Dear community,
>>>> I am looking for a FHIR implementation (server) that stores the
>>>> resources in native RDF FHIR, so that I could do complex SPARQL queries on
>>>> top of the database, but also expose REST API endpoints in FHIR. (Not so
>>>> much interested in the U from CRUD, but at least Create, Read and Delete
>>>> would be enough)
>>>> For example what I would like to query on the FHIR store would be
>>>> something like:
>>>> * Retrieve all patients that are older than 18, not dead, having a body
>>>> weight bigger than 100kg and that have laboratory of insulin higher than
>>>> xyz .
>>>> Unfortunately I can only find FHIR server implementations with a RDBMS
>>>> or mongo as data storage . Do you know if some FHIR server implementations
>>>> exists with an RDF triplestore as data storage where the TTL of FHIR
>>>> resources would be stored natively?
>>>> Thanks for your help.
>> --
>> Daniel Teixeira

Daniel Teixeira

Received on Friday, 28 January 2022 23:36:28 UTC