[CfP] DaMaLOS 2021 @ ISWC - Second Workshop on Data and research objects management for Linked Open Science

 *3rd call for papers*

*** Apologies for cross-posting **Second online workshop on data and
research objects management for Linked Open Science - DaMaLOS
<https://zbmed.github.io/damalos/>Co-located with the International
Semantic Web Conference - ISWC 2021Contact email: damalos2021@easychair.org
<damalos2021@easychair.org> Call for Papers
(co-located @ ISWC) workshop will explore what is required for Research
Data Management to effectively instantiate Linked Open Science, i.e., Open
Science + Linked Open Data (LOD) principles, including effective support
for LOD, automation by, e.g., machine/deep learning approaches, and
innovations to include supporting data elements such as the software used
to produce/consume it together with tutorials showcasing their usage.
Furthermore, data management should be complemented by other research
objects management plans, e.g. software and workflows, in order to get an
integrated layer supporting all the edges of Linked Open Science. In this
workshop we will keep a focus on data management but we will also have
opportunities to discuss how other research objects play an important
role.Please submit your contribution via EasyChair DaMaLOS-2021 workshop
<https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=damalos2021> before the 8th of
August 2021. We welcome full research (introducing novel research
contributions, max 10 pages), short research (presenting early results or
work in progress, max 6 pages), position (introducing an idea and
discussion around it, max 6 pages) and research objects (description of
datasets, software, workflows, max 10 pages) papers on the following (or
similar) topics:: - Importance of Research Data Management (RDM) for LOD-
Importance of other Research Objects Management (ROM) and their alignment
with RDM and LOD- Special features/metadata required in RDM/ROM plans for
LOD- RDM/ROM plans elements/data that can be automated, particularly
using/consuming LOD- Links between RDM and ROM plans and how those could be
automated- Extensions to current RDM plans to better support Linked Open
Science, e.g., emergence of ROM- Integration/alignment between FAIR and
RDM/ROM plans and tools- Research and training initiatives related to
RDM/ROM supporting Open Science/Linked Open Science- Benefits of Linked
Open Science, i.e., Open Science + Linked Open Data principles, over Open
Science- How RDM/ROM plans and LOD can be used to improve collection and
storage of (usually volatile) data produced at, e.g., conferences- Managing
FAIR digital objects in federated, open data
spaces/infrastructures/ecosystems- Gluing together metadata + publications
+ data + software, (e.g., via management plans, FAIRification efforts or
open aggregating spaces/ecosystems)Important dates
- Submission opens: 1st of April 2021- Submission due: 8th of August 2021
(reach out if you need an extension, we follow a flexible approach)-
Notification of accepted papers: 12th of September 2021- Camera ready
papers due: 26th of September 2021- Publication of workshop proceedings:
October 2021- Workshop: 24th or 25th of October 2021 (half day)- ISWC: 24th
to 28th of October 2021Submission process
- Full research papers (up to 10 pages): Presenting novel scientific
research - Short research papers (up to 6 pages): Presenting research
results at early stages or ongoing work- Position papers (up to 6 pages):
Introducing positions, ideas, opinions and discussions around them-
Research objects (up to 10 pages): Describing datasets, software,
workflows, training materials- All submissions must be original and not
simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference/workshop. All
submissions must be in English. Proceedings of the workshop will be
publicly available under CC-by 4.0 license
<https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/>; by submitting you agree to
the use of this license for accepted papers. Papers should be formatted
according to LNCS templates
Accepted papers will be invited to submit an extended version to the
Journal of Biomedical Semantics (JBMS)
<https://zbmed.github.io/damalos/docs/jbms> which hosts a permanent
collection on topics similar to those in DaMaLOS- All submissions should be
done via EasyChair DaMaLOS-2021 workshop
links========================= - Workshop website:
https://zbmed.github.io/damalos/ <https://zbmed.github.io/damalos/> - Call
for papers: https://zbmed.github.io/damalos/docs/cfp.html
<https://zbmed.github.io/damalos/docs/cfp.html> - Important dates:
<https://zbmed.github.io/damalos/docs/dates.html> - Submission process:
<https://zbmed.github.io/damalos/docs/submission.html> Submission system
via EasyChair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=damalos2021
<https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=damalos2021> *


Received on Thursday, 5 August 2021 17:18:09 UTC