LATA 2019: 3rd call for papers



LATA 2019

Saint Petersburg, Russia

March 25-29, 2019


Organized by:


Saint Petersburg State University


Institute for Research Development, Training and Advice, Brussels/London




LATA is a conference series on theoretical computer science and its applications. LATA 2019 will reserve significant room for young scholars at the beginning of their career. It will aim at attracting contributions from classical theory fields as well as application areas.



LATA 2019 will take place in Saint Petersburg, whose historic centre is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The conference site shall be the historical Twelve Collegia building (, built in ca. 1740,

which was used for the Russian government in the 18th century, and which

has been the main building of Saint Petersburg State University since 1835.



Topics of either theoretical or applied interest include, but are not limited to:


algebraic language theory

algorithms for semi-structured data mining

algorithms on automata and words

automata and logic

automata for system analysis and programme verification

automata networks

automatic structures


combinatorics on words

computational complexity

concurrency and Petri nets

data and image compression

descriptional complexity

foundations of finite state technology

foundations of XML

grammars (Chomsky hierarchy, contextual, unification, categorial, etc.)

grammatical inference and algorithmic learning

graphs and graph transformation

language varieties and semigroups

language-based cryptography

mathematical and logical foundations of programming methodologies

parallel and regulated rewriting



power series

string processing algorithms

symbolic dynamics

term rewriting


trees, tree languages and tree automata

weighted automata



LATA 2019 will consist of:


invited talks

peer-reviewed contributions



Henning Fernau (University of Trier), Modern Aspects of Complexity within Formal Languages


Paweł Gawrychowski (University of Wrocław), tba


Edward A. Lee (University of California, Berkeley), Observation, Interaction, Determinism, and Free Will


Vadim Lozin (University of Warwick), From Words to Graphs, and Back


Esko Ukkonen (University of Helsinki), Pattern Discovery in Biological Sequences



Krishnendu Chatterjee (Institute of Science and Technology Austria, AT)

Bruno Courcelle (University of Bordeaux, FR)

Manfred Droste (University of Leipzig, DE)

Travis Gagie (Diego Portales University, CL)

Peter Habermehl (Paris Diderot University, FR)

Tero Harju (University of Turku, FI)

Markus Holzer (University of Giessen, DE)

Radu Iosif (Verimag, FR)

Kazuo Iwama (Kyoto University, JP)

Juhani Karhumäki (University of Turku, FI)

Lila Kari (University of Waterloo, CA)

Juha Kärkkäinen (University of Helsinki, FI)

Bakhadyr Khoussainov (University of Auckland, NZ)

Sergey Kitaev (University of Strathclyde, UK)

Shmuel Tomi Klein (Bar-Ilan University, IL)

Olga Kouchnarenko (University of Franche-Comté, FR)

Thierry Lecroq (University of Rouen, FR)

Markus Lohrey (University of Siegen, DE)

Sebastian Maneth (University of Bremen, DE)

Carlos Martín-Vide (Rovira i Virgili University, ES, chair)

Giancarlo Mauri (University of Milano-Bicocca, IT)

Filippo Mignosi (University of L'Aquila, IT)

Victor Mitrana (Polytechnic University of Madrid, ES)

Joachim Niehren (INRIA Lille, FR)

Alexander Okhotin (Saint Petersburg State University, RU)

Dominique Perrin (University of Paris-Est, FR)

Matteo Pradella (Polytechnic University of Milan, IT)

Jean-François Raskin (Université Libre de Bruxelles, BE)

Marco Roveri (Bruno Kessler Foundation, IT)

Karen Rudie (Queen's University, CA)

Wojciech Rytter (University of Warsaw, PL)

Kai Salomaa (Queen's University, CA)

Sven Schewe (University of Liverpool, UK)

Helmut Seidl (Technical University of Munich, DE)

Ayumi Shinohara (Tohoku University, JP)

Hans Ulrich Simon (Ruhr-University of Bochum, DE)

William F. Smyth (McMaster University, CA)

Frank Stephan (National University of Singapore, SG)

Martin Sulzmann (Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, DE)

Jorma Tarhio (Aalto University, FI)

Stefano Tonetta (Bruno Kessler Foundation, IT)

Rob van Glabbeek (Data61, CSIRO, AU)

Margus Veanes (Microsoft Research, US)

Mahesh Viswanathan (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, US)

Mikhail Volkov (Ural Federal University, RU)

Fang Yu (National Chengchi University, TW)

Hans Zantema (Eindhoven University of Technology, NL)



Alexander Okhotin (Saint Petersburg, co-chair)

Manuel Parra-Royón (Granada)

Dana Shapira (Ariel)

David Silva (London, co-chair)



Authors are invited to submit non-anonymized papers in English presenting original and unpublished research. Papers should not exceed 12 single-spaced pages (all included) and should be prepared according to the standard format for Springer Verlag's LNCS series (see If necessary, exceptionally authors are allowed to provide missing proofs in a clearly marked appendix.


Submissions have to be uploaded to:



A volume of proceedings published by Springer in the LNCS series will be available by the time of the conference.


A special issue of a major journal will be later published containing peer-reviewed substantially extended versions of some of the papers contributed to the conference. Submissions to it will be by invitation.



The registration form can be found at:

DEADLINES (all at 23:59 CET):


Paper submission: November 11, 2018

Notification of paper acceptance or rejection: December 16, 2018

Final version of the paper for the LNCS proceedings: December 23, 2018

Early registration: December 23, 2018

Late registration: March 11, 2019

Submission to the journal special issue: June 29, 2019



david (at)



Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет


IRDTA – Institute for Research Development, Training and Advice, Brussels/London

Received on Sunday, 21 October 2018 16:50:13 UTC