Results! (was Re: PDDI Min Info Model Task Force - survey results - please VOTE by 10/4

Thank you to all who participated in voting. 18 folks voted. 17 voted 'yes' to the proposed solution and 1 voted 'no'. Our team here at Pitt will modify the Note to describe the accepted proposal which was the final issue to address. Please stay tuned for a request within the next few weeks for your input on what should be the penultimate draft of Note prior to publishing on the W3C community group site. kind regards, -R

On 09/28/2018 06:03 AM, Richard Boyce wrote:
Dear PDDI Task Force,

We have compiled all results from the Qualtrics survey on options to represent seriousness/severity concepts in the min info model. Many thanks to all who participated! Attached please find a powerpoint that provides a summary of the results. The attached PDF has detailed results including all comments.

The second to last slide in the powerpoint has a proposal that I think makes sense based on the submitted opinions and comments. I have created a poll (one question) so that everyone can register their anonymous vote on the proposal. Please complete the poll within the next 6 days (by 10/4).

If a majority agrees with the proposal then we will  make the change to the W3C Community Group Note and then move for final approval to publish. Otherwise, will send out a doodle for a call to discuss other options.


kind regards,


Received on Wednesday, 17 October 2018 21:27:07 UTC