Re: Our paper won the distinguished paper/talk award at Medinfo2013

Dear Remzi,

Sorry if this was a bit misleading: In our work we just did a conversion of a very selective subset of dbSNP entries (those we identified as essential pharmacogenetic markers), and for those we only converted basic information (variants for each SNP/indel).

Bio2RDF also does not have dbSNP in its entirety (Michel can correct me if this has changed recently). However, some dbSNP entries are represented in a very rudimentary way, such as those mentioned in PharmGKB. An example is:

These entities do not contain much information from dbSNP, but at least they serve as an entry point to other datasets in Bio2RDF (such as PharmGKB). We mapped to these identifiers.


From: Remzi Celebi 
Sent: Sunday, September 01, 2013 1:05 PM
To: Matthias Samwald 
Cc: Tom Morris ; Joanne Luciano ; Robert, Ph.D. Freimuth ; Joanne Luciano ; Simon Lin MD ; Robert Powers ; M. Scott Marshall ; ; Richard Boyce ; public-semweb-lifesci hcls 
Subject: Re: Our paper won the distinguished paper/talk award at Medinfo2013

Hi Matthias,
Congratulation. Good work.
In the paper,  you have mentioned about the conversion of dbSNP to RDF. I haven't seen dbSNP on the list of the converted datasets under Bio2RDF project. I am also struggling to convert dbSNP to RDF. Could you tell me where can I find the RDF verison of dbSNP or Can I access to the script written for conversion if there is any? 
Thanks in advance,


2013/8/26 Matthias Samwald <>

  I have to correct myself. The link on (probably uploaded by Joanne) points to a draft of the paper. I uploaded the final version of the paper to


  Tom Morris wrote:

  > Any links to the paper/presentation?  Are these them? 


Remzi Çelebi

Received on Monday, 2 September 2013 07:42:33 UTC