Fwd: Call for papers "Software, Open Standards, and Computational Approaches for Collaboration in Life Sciences"

[apologies for multiple postings]

Dear all,

Please mark your agenda's for the following call for papers for a
special issue on 'Software, Open Standards, and Computational
Approaches for Collaboration in Life Science'
Also feel free to forward this e-mail.

Call for Papers
Software, Open Standards, and Computational Approaches for
Collaboration in Life Science

Internet and the World Wide Web have made possible unimaginable levels
of information sharing and collaboration in science, as well as in
other human activities. In life science, software-based collaboration
occurs at different scale levels, from small collocated scientific
groups to large international communities. It also happens in various
ways, from tight-interaction in ontology design to crowd-sourced data
annotation and analysis. The idea of the web of data has been
particularly successful in the biomedical field, given its potential
to ease integration and exploration of large, complex, and
heterogeneous data sets. Advanced knowledge representation and data
exchange standards have been widely used for such purpose. These same
approaches are applied in developing collaboration models and software
to support such models.

In this special issue we want to explore the intersection between the
above themes and gather an outlook of current efforts and solutions to
promote collaboration in life sciences through software tools, open
data standards, advanced representation of the semantics of data, and
collaboration models. Potential topics include, but are not limited

    Ontology-driven collaboration software for life science
    Collaborations in the biomedical field
    Crowdsourcing experiences and projects, semantics-based models,
and applications for crowdsourcing in life science
    Collaborative biomedical data generation, exchange, and integration
    Distributed biomedical data annotation and analysis
    Ontologies and models to support collaboration in life science
    Practices and tools in bio-ontology development and applications
    Collaborative annotation and review of biomedical literature,
    Collaboration in biomedical education and training, advanced
semantic models for life science education applications
    Software tools to fund raise biomedical research projects

Before submission authors should carefully read over the journal’s
Author Guidelines, which are located at
http://www.hindawi.com/journals/bmri/guidelines/. Prospective authors
should submit an electronic copy of their complete manuscript through
the journal Manuscript Tracking System at
according to the following timetable:
Manuscript Due    Friday, 14 February 2014
First Round of Reviews    Friday, 9 May 2014
Publication Date    Friday, 4 July 2014
Lead Guest Editor

    Marco Brandizi, European Bioinformatics Institute, Cambridge, UK

Guest Editors

    Paolo Ciccarese, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MS, USA
    Paolo Romano, IRCCS University Hospital San Martino IST, Genoa, Italy
    Marco Roos, Faculty of Science, University of Amsterdam,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
    Katy Wolstencroft, Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science
(LIACS), Leiden, Netherlands

Marco Roos (PhD)
BioSemantics group, Human Genetics department,
Leiden University Medical Centre
Albinusdreef 2 (Building 2, room T4-58)
2333 ZA Leiden
Tel. +31 (0) 71 526 8642

Received on Wednesday, 30 October 2013 21:08:22 UTC