OntologySummit2013 and the OntologySummit2013 Hackathon Clinics


Ontology Summit 2013: Ontology Evaluation Across the Ontology Lifecycle    (3ABJ)

8th in the series of a 3-month open annual event, by and for the Ontology Community. This Summit is co-organized by Ontolog,NIST, NCOR, NCBO, IAOA & NCO_NITRD    (3ABK)

ref. OntologySummit    (3IZ4)

Focus and Objectives    (3IZ5)
Process, Organization & Workspace    (3IZ6)
The Team    (3IZ7)
Calendar & Events    (3IZ8)
Join us!    (3IZ9)

Details here:

For those with interest and time and talent ….. 

You can sign up to participate here:  


Details about the clinics here and below.

OntologySummit2013 Hackathon & Clinics Activities    (3O1H)

This is the workspace for the OntologySummit2013Hackathon & Clinics Activities    (3O1I)

Co-Champions: MikeDean, KenBaclawski & PeterYim   (3O9L)

Come to the Hackathon & Clinics Program Launch - Thu 28-Mar-2013 - ConferenceCall_2013_03_28    (3PMM)

Featured Projects:    (3PCD)
HC-01. BACnet Ontology Hackathon -OntologySummit2013_Hackathon_Clinics_BACnet_Ontology[ project doc ]    (3PCE)
HC-02. The General Ontology Evaluation Framework (GOEF) & the I-Choose Use Case-OntologySummit2013_Hackathon_Clinics_GOEF_IChoose[ project doc ]    (3PCF)
HC-03. FIBO Ontology Evaluation with OOPS!,OQuaRE and Other Tools -OntologySummit2013_Hackathon_Clinics_FIBO_OOPS_OQuaRE[ project doc ]    (3PCG)
HC-04. OntologySummit2013 Content Hack: Leveraging Semantics on OntologPSMW -OntologySummit2013_Hackathon_Clinics_SemanticContentHack[ project doc ]    (3PCH)
HC-05. Hackathon: Ontology of Ontology Evaluation -OntologySummit2013_Hackathon_Clinics_OntologyOfOntologyEvaluation[ project doc ]    (3PCI)
HC-06. ISO 15926 Reference Data Validation-OntologySummit2013_Hackathon_Clinics_ISO_15926_RefDataValidation[ project doc ]    (3PCJ)
HC-07. Ontohub-OOR-OOPS! Integration -OntologySummit2013_Hackathon_Clinics_Ontohub_OOR_OOPS_Integration[ [ project doc] ]    (3PCK)
Hackathon-Clinics Event Schedule (Master Calendar)    (3PG3)
Description, Objective & Goals    (3OAO)
Call for Proposals    (3OAP)
What needs to go into a "Project Proposal"?   (3OAQ)
Important Dates    (3OAR)
Hackathon Proposals Received    (3OAS)
H1. Use Cases for GOEF    (3OTF)
H2. Implement GOEF    (3OTG)
H3. OOR-KEEPER Integration    (3OTH)
H4. Ontohub-OOR-OOPS! Integration    (3OTI)
H5. Develop BACnet Ontology    (3OTJ)
H6. OntologySummit2013 Content Hack    (3OTK)
H7. CNL-OWL Cycling Filter    (3OTL)
H8. Develop an Ontology of 'Ontology Evaluation'   (3OTM)
Ontology Clinic Proposals Received    (3OAT)
O1. COLORE Clinic    (3OTN)
O2. ISO 15926 reference data validation clinic   (3OTO)
O3. FIBO Ontology Clinic    (3OTP)
O4. OQuaRE validation clinic    (3OTQ)
Application Clinic Proposals Received    (3OAU)
A1: I-Choose Application Clinic    (3OTR)
A2. Develop an Ontology of 'Ontology Evaluation'   (3OTS)
A3. Develop BACnet Ontology    (3OTJ)
Independent Contributors (sign-up)    (3OAV)
ref. the Call for Proposal at:http://ontolog.cim3.net/forum/ontology-summit/2013-02/msg00056.html    (3O1J)
details can be found on the 2013.02.21 presentation -http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2013_02_21#nid3MTC [ slides ]   (3O1K)
ref. details at our Hackathon-Clinics 2013.03.05 proposal preparation confcall (n.04)    (3O5V)
ref. the Hackathon & Clinics Program Launch - Thu 28-Mar-2013 - ConferenceCall_2013_03_28   (3PMN)
ref. details at our Hackathon-Clinics 2013.03.19 project consolidation confcall (n.05)    (3OTT)
Hackathon-Clinics Event Schedule (Master Calendar)    (3PG4)

... the assumption is that each project will (essentially) take up one whole day; the Saturday will be the main event day (the Sunday will be an optional extension day, if the team wants to spend more time finishing up.)    (3PG7)

Day-1 : Sat(-Sun) 2013.03.30(~31)    (3PG8)
Day-2 : Sat(-Sun) 2013.04.06(~07)    (3PG9)
Day-3 : Sat(-Sun) 2013.04.13(~14)    (3PGA)
Main Chat-room (ALL Projects):http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/summit_hackathon... (all participants should join into this chat-room when participating or observing)    (3PRR)
Each project will have their own chat-workspace (or even subgroup chat-workspace) ... refer to the above "Main Chat-room" or to the respective hackathon-clinic project's homepage for detail (at time of session.)    (3PRS)
Dial-in for the "Open Webcast" segments of ALL Projects (ref. time schedule below)    (3PRT)
Phone (US): +1 (206) 402-0100 ... Conference ID: 141184# ; or    (3PRU)
Skype: joinconference ... Conference ID:141184#    (3PRV)
Events on (Day-1): Sat 2013.03.30    (3PGB)

HC-05. Hackathon: Ontology of Ontology Evaluation    (3PGC)
primary project contact: AmandaVizedom    (3PGD)
Activities will be in session:    (3PR6)
from: Sat 2013.03.30 - 7:00am PDT / 10:00am EDT / 3:00pm CET / 14:00 UTC   (3PR7)
to:    (3PR8)
Open webcast segment - 1 Hr. 45 min. starting: Sat 2013.03.30 - 7:00am PDT / 10:00am EDT / 3:00pm CET / 14:00 UTC    (3PNM)
this event has plans to optionally extend to Sun 2013.03.31 as well    (3PGZ)
HC-06. ISO 15926 Reference Data Validation   (3PGE)
primary project contact: VictorAgroskin    (3PGF)
Activities will be in session:    (3PR9)
from: Sat 2013.03.30 - 3:00am PDT / 6:00am EDT / 2:00pm MSK / 11:00am CET / 10:00 UTC    (3PRA)
to: Sat 2013.03.30 -    (3PRB)
Open webcast segment - 1 Hr. 45 min. starting: Sat 2013.03.30 - 5:00am PDT / 8:00am EDT / 4:00pm MSK / 1:00pm CET / 12:00 UTC    (3PNN)
Events on (Day-2): Sat 2013.04.06    (3PGG)

HC-04. OntologySummit2013 Content Hack: Leveraging Semantics on OntologPSMW    (3PGH)
primary project contact: KenBaclawski,MarcelaVegetti    (3PGI)
Activities will be in session:    (3PRC)
from: Sat 2013.04.06 - 6:00am PDT / 9:00am EDT / 10:00am Argentina / 3:00pm CEST / 13:00 UTC    (3PRD)
to:    (3PRE)
Open webcast segment - 1 Hr. 45 min. starting: Sat 2013.04.06 - 6:00am PDT / 9:00am EDT / 10:00am Argentina / 3:00pm CEST / 13:00 UTC   (3PNO)
HC-02. The General Ontology Evaluation Framework (GOEF) & the I-Choose Use Case   (3PGJ)
primary project contact: JoanneLuciano    (3PGK)
Activities will be in session:    (3PRF)
from: Sat 2013.04.06 - 8:00am PDT / 11:00am EDT / 5:00pm CEST / 15:00 UTC   (3PRG)
to:    (3PRH)
Open webcast segment - 1 Hr. 45 min. starting: Sat 2013.04.06 - 8:00am PDT / 11:00am EDT / 5:00pm CEST / 15:00 UTC    (3PNP)
Events on (Day-3): Sat 2013.04.13    (3PGL)

HC-07. Ontohub-OOR-OOPS! Integration    (3PGM)
primary project contact: TillMossakowski    (3PGN)
Activities will be in session:    (3PRI)
from: Sat 2013.04.13 - 1:00am PDT / 4:00am EDT / 10:00am CEST / 8:00 UTC   (3PRJ)
to:    (3PRK)
Open webcast segment - 1 Hr. 45 min. starting: Sat 2013.04.13 - 4:00am PDT / 7:00am EDT / 1:00pm CEST / 11:00 UTC    (3PNQ)
HC-03. FIBO Ontology Evaluation with OOPS!, OQuaRE and Other Tools    (3PGO)
primary project contact: MikeBennett    (3PGP)
Activities will be in session:    (3PRL)
from: Sat 2013.04.13 - 6:00am PDT / 9:00am EDT / 3:00pm CEST / 13:00 UTC   (3PRM)
to:    (3PRN)
Open webcast segment - 1 Hr. 45 min. starting: Sat 2013.04.13 - 6:00am PDT / 9:00am EDT / 3:00pm CEST / 13:00 UTC    (3PNR)
HC-01. BACnet Ontology Hackathon    (3PGQ)
primary project contact: JoelBender    (3PGR)
Activities will be in session:    (3PRO)
from: Sat 2013.04.13 - 8:00am PDT / 11:00am EDT / 5:00pm CEST / 15:00 UTC   (3PRP)
to:    (3PRQ)
Open webcast segment - 1 Hr. 45 min. starting: Sat 2013.04.13 - 8:00am PDT / 11:00am EDT / 5:00pm CEST / 15:00 UTC    (3PNS)
Description ... Three (3) forms of collaborative activities will be featured in the OntologySummit2013 Hackathon & Clinics Activities ...    (3O9P)

the "Hackathon" ... where small, distributed, collaborating (virtual) teams will work together intensively over a weekend to create some new code, new API, new ontology or new application, that are relevant to this OntologySummit and/or this year's "Ontology Evaluation" theme.    (3O9Q)
"Ontology Clinics" ... in this ontology metrics & measurement clinic, we bring (i) existing tools that measure particular characteristics of ontologies together with (ii) existing ontologies whose characteristics people have an interest in measuring, and run the ontologies through the tools ...    (3O9R)
(A) evaluating ontologies - we send ontologies to be evaluated through the "evaluation tool," study the results, diagnose problems with the ontology, and see how the ontology may be improved, and    (3O9S)
(B) evaluating tools - we send gold standard ontologies through the "evaluation tool," study the results, diagnose problems with the “tool,” and see how the "tool" (the ontology too, possibly) may be improved.    (3O9T)
"Application Clinics" ... where we assemble a small team of ontologists and ontology-evaluation-tool developers, to work with a user community team (of subject matter experts and application developers) that has a real ontology-driven application that needs to be designed, implemented and deployed. This Application Clinic exercise is intended to help users evaluate whether ontologies the users already had in mind are fit for the intended purpose and whether the quality of those ontologies are satisfactory, and provide recommendations to the users or user communities.    (3O9U)
... consistent with the OntologySummit practice, all process and work products involved in these activities will be "open." Please refer to details in our prevailing Open IPR Policy.   (3OHK)

Hackathon-Clinics project plan debut: session-11 - Thu 2013.03.28    (3OAE)
Staging of projects: Fri 2013.03.22 to hackathon-clinics weekend (see below; 1 week+)    (3OAF)
Hackathon-Clinics Weekends: the Saturdays are the main event dates; the Sunday after that is an optional extension for teams that want a bit more time to finish up    (3OAG)
Candidate-1: Sat(-Sun) 2013.03.30~31    (3OAH)
Candidate-2: Sat(-Sun) 2013.04.06~07    (3OAI)
Candidate-3: Sat(-Sun) 2013.04.13~14    (3OAJ)
preparation of writeup/presentation/demo - 2013.04.15~29 (2 weeks+)    (3OAK)
writeup/presentation/demo material due - 2013.04.30 (2 days before event)    (3OAL)
Presentation / Demo: Thu 2013.05.02 (Symposium Day-1)    (3OAM)
Award Ceremony: Fri 2013.05.03 (Symposium Day-2)    (3OAN)
Hackathon Proposals Received:    (3O1L)

H1. Hackathon Proposal: Formalization of use case encodings under the GOEF framework - from:JamesMichaelis and JoanneLuciano (RPI) / 2013.03.04    (3O5R)
see: proposal (--JoanneLuciano / 2013.03.07)   (3O8J)
Abstract: ... Ontologies have become a prominent way to represent knowledge in an increasing number of disciplines due to their ability to formalize knowledge in a consistent manner. However, ontology construction is labor-intensive, which makes it desirable to reuse existing ontologies when possible. Current ontology evaluation methods are context free, which make it difficult to determine whether an existing ontology can be used in different application. The goal of the General Ontology Evaluation Framework (GOEF) is to enable objective evaluation of an ontology, or part thereof, within the context of a use case. The use case provides the context information that is needed for evaluation of the ontology. The GOEF approach requires both a use case and corresponding ontology under consideration for its assessments. However, at present, additional work is needed to help formalize the notion of a use case within GOEF. For this session,    (3O8K)
we would like to pursue three relevant activities:    (3O8L)
(i) the collection of use cases for ontology usage (expressed at a non-formalized level),    (3O8M)
(ii) conduct corresponding brainstorming of a formal modeling which would meet the needs of the proposed use cases, and   (3O8N)
(iii) review a candidate architecture for GOEF, based on formal modelings proposed for use case representation.    (3O5G)
H2. Development of GOEF framework - from:JamesMichaelis and JoanneLuciano (RPI) 2013.03.05   (3O61)
Abstract: ... Ontologies have become a prominent way to represent knowledge in an increasing number of disciplines due to their ability to formalize knowledge in a consistent manner. However, ontology construction is labor-intensive, which makes it desirable to reuse existing ontologies when possible. To do this the it must be determined whether an existing ontology (or part of the ontology) can be used in a different application. The General Ontology Evaluation Framework (GOEF) provides an organizational framework for intrinsic and extrinsic evaluation of an ontology, or part thereof, within the context of a use case. The use case provides the specific context information that is needed for the evaluation. The GOEF approach requires both a use case and corresponding ontology under consideration for its assessments. However, at present, additional work is needed to develop the framework and assemble the individual evaluation sub-services. GOEF needs to be further specified, coded, and developed. Preliminary analysis suggests use of the SADI web service (http://sadiframework.org). For this session, we seek to:    (3O62)
(i) review the proposed architecture (expressed at a non-formalized level),   (3O8O)
(ii) conduct corresponding brainstorming of a design that would meet the needs of the proposed use cases, and    (3O8P)
(iii) create stubs and a strategy for development.    (3O63)
H3. OOR-KEEPER Integration - from: KenBaclawski& MaximoGurmendez (NEU) / 2013.03.04    (3O5I)
see: proposal    (3O5J)
Abstract: ... The OpenOntologyRepository (OOR) [2] consists of a code base forked from BioPortal[3]. The requirements for BioPortal and OORdiffer. See [4] for a detailed analysis of the differences between these two. See [5,6] for the OOR requirements. The main programming language used in OOR is Ruby. KEEPER, on the other hand is a JEE application that exposes its basic API via a WSDL/SOAP web service. The main challenge is to integrate these two systems so that:    (3O5K)
1. An ontology in the OOR defines the process it will use for standardization.    (3O5L)
2. Once the ontology is assigned to a process, the OOR will invoke the KEEPER service to start an instance of the process definition.    (3O5M)
3. The OOR shows, for each user, the pending tasks that the different processes have assigned to it.    (3O5N)
4. The OOR renders the forms to the appropriate user based on the process definition and submits to KEEPER all the information filled in on these forms.    (3O5O)
5. Integrate authentication across OOR and KEEPER    (3O5P)
... with the KEEPER functionality in place, we can progress the OOR to production status, and allow ontology evaluation services (like those provided by OOPS!) to be applied to the contents (ontologies) hosted in an OOR instance.    (3O5Q)
H4. Hackathon Project: Ontohub-OOPS! Integration - from: TillMossakowski andMariaPovedaVillalon / 2013.03.08    (3OAW)
see: proposal    (3OAX)
Abstract: ... The project aims at the integration of OOPS! [1] into the Ontohub.org [2,3] platform. A user of Ontohub.org would see a button "evaluate with OOPS!". Then Ontohub.org would call the OOPS! webservice (or even a local installation of OOPS!), and display the results. The results should also be displayed in a per-class and per-property way in Ontohub.    (3OAY)
Expected Deliverables:    (3OAZ)
code in the Ontohub code repository [2] providing the described functionality    (3OB0)
functionality provided online at Ontohub.org    (3OB1)
Resource / References:    (3OB2)
[1] OOPS! (OntOlogy Pitfall Scanner!) -http://www.oeg-upm.net/oops/    (3OB3)
[2] Ontohub project -http://www.ontohub.org    (3OB4)
[3] Ontohub code repository -https://github.com/ontohub/ontohub/    (3OB5)
[4] Open Ontology Repository (OOR) -http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?OpenOntologyRepository    (3OB6)
from KenBaclawski, MikeDean & PeterYim /2013.03.12 ... rather than doing another proposal towards developing the API that will allow services like OOPS! (and other ontology evaluation tools) to be integrated with OOR andOntoHub (since they supposedly share the same architecture), we suggest that we incorporate the above goal into the two above proposals - namely, OOR-KEEPER & Ontohub-OOPS!    (3OIC)

H5. / A3. BACnet Ontology for Hackathon - from:JoelBender / 2013.03.08    (3OB8)
see: proposal    (3OB9)
Abstract: ... The objective of this Hackathon is to take a transliteration of the BACnet ASN.1 productions in RDF/RDFS and produce an OWL ontology that is interoperable with other specifications in the building automation industry. BACnet is a communications protocol for Building Automation and Control Systems (BACS) developed under the auspices of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE). BACnet is an American national standard, a European standard, a national standard in more than 30 countries, and an ISO global standard. The protocol is supported and maintained by ASHRAE Standing Standard Project Committee 135 (SSPC-135).    (3OBB)
Deliverables: ... The resulting OWL file and supporting documentation will be submitted to SSPC-135 for future inclusion into the standard.   (3OBD)
Call for Collaborators: ... I am interested in collaborators for developing an ontology for building automation and control networks to be incorporated into a future revision of the BACnet standard [1]. This is an opportunity to build a specification that will be an American Standard, European Standard, and ISO standard.    (3OBE)
from SteveRay / 2013.03.08 ... As you might expect, Joel, I'm definitely interested in this work, since I expect to be integrating an OWL version of ASHRAE SPC201P (i.e. FSGIM) with "neighboring" standards, including BACnet. It would be so great if BACnet migrated to OWL.   (3OBF)

H6. Hackathon Project: OntologySummit2013Content Hack: leveraging semantics onOntologPSMW - from: MarcelaVegetti, AliHashemi,SoledadSonzini, KenBaclawski, MichaelDenny,TejasParikh & PeterYim / 2013.03.08    (3OBR)
see: proposal    (3OBS)
Abstract: ... as part of the Summit activities, the website team is developing theOntologySummit2013-website on the newOntologPSMW (purple-semantic-mediawiki for Ontolog community content.) The wiki engine will support fine-grained content addressability and some basic semantic constructs, including a subset of the ICOM ontology. This platform will facilitate access to, and reuse of, the content that is produced throughout the 2013 Ontology Summit, as well as those migrated over from previous OntologySummit's. This is a call for hackathon participation where contributors are challenged to produce new codes and constructs that can be deployed on the OntologPSMW to enhance the access to the OntologySummit body of knowledge in general, andOntologySummit2013 content and its survey results in particular.    (3OBT)
Deliverable(s): ... new code and constructs that can be deployed on the OntologPSMW to enhance access to the OntologySummit body-of-knowledge in general, and OntologySummit2013 content and its survey results in particular.    (3OBU)
Call for Collaborators: ... we are looking for participants and contributors with the desire and passion to challenge what is possible, to join us over the hackathon weekend to hack up interesting work products that will satisfy the above deliverable goals. Desirable skills include: knowledge and experience in mashup, UI, css, php, especially on the SemanticMediaWikiapplications (SMW, Semantic Forms, Semantic Bundle) or MediaWiki platform, SPARQL, RDF/OWL, LOD, semantic search (lucene/solr), mobile app development, ... etc.    (3OBV)
Resource / References:    (3OHA)
[0] The ONTOLOG Collaborative Work Environment (CWE) -http://ontolog.cim3.net/wiki    (3OHB)
[1] "OntologPSMW Debut, Tutorial and Possibilities" - http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl? ConferenceCall_2012_12_19   (3OHC)
[2] "Ontology Quality and Fitness: A Survey of Software Support" -http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgibin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2013_02_14#nid3MFA   (3OHD)
[3] OntologySummit2013 Website Development - http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?OntologySummit2013_Website_Development   (3OHE)
[4] "Integrated Collaboration Object Model (ICOM)" - ref. https://wiki.oasis-open.org/icom    (3OHF)
[5] the OntologPSMW site we will hack on -http://ontolog-02.cim3.net/wiki/OntologySummit2013   (3OHG)
H7. Hackathon: CNL-OWL Cycling Filter for Ontology Evaluation - from YuriyMilov / 2013.03.11   (3OIH)
see: proposal    (3OBS)
Abstract: ... Considering the semantic web as texts "understandable" both for people and machines, it is supposed to have a tool that would filter such special texts written in Controlled Natural Language (CNL) and transformable to OWL (or backward) and successfully reasoning by reasoners. The hackathon event will be devoted to exploring some use cases (ontologies) for the cycling filter (OWL-to-CNL-to-OWL or CNL-to-OWL-to-CNL) based on two available online demo tools on the attempto website and (if possible) based on the Rabbit open source project (if it has a demo or can be prepared before the hackathon event). Success of the CNL-OWL cycle filtering of ontology could become a criterium of a "correct" ("evaluated") ontology - if the ontology still works properly after such an automatic cycle. Also during the hackathon event it would be explored the idea of the CNL Platform for Semantic Web based on CNL-OWL cycling filter for ontlogies evaluation.    (3OII)
Collaborators: YuriyMilov ... plus some more collaborators    (3OIJ)
Expected Deliverable: ... A demo web page that should demonstrate how such ontology evaluation tool works and clarify its possible future role in the CNL platform for the Semantic Web.    (3OIK)
Resource / References:    (3OIL)
OWL to CNL demo tool -http://attempto.ifi.uzh.ch/site/docs/owl_to_ace.html   (3OIM)
CNL to OWL demo tool -http://attempto.ifi.uzh.ch/ape/    (3OIN)
Use case ontologies to explore:    (3OIO)
http://attempto.ifi.uzh.ch/aceview/   (3OIP)
http://ont.ddtor.com/fish.owl    (3OIQ)
ROO Rabbit to OWL Ontology construction project ("confluence") -http://confluence.sourceforge.net/    (3OIR)
SVN prepared for the this hackathon event demo page -https://code.google.com/p/ddtor/source/browse/#svn%2Fhackathon   (3OIS)
Ontology Clinic Proposals Received    (3O1N)

O1. Ontology Clinic: COLORE - from:MichaelGruninger & MeganKatsumi (U of Toronto) / 2013.03.04    (3O5S)
see: proposal    (3O5T)
Abstract: ... The objective of the COLORE project is to construct an open repository of first-order ontologies that will serve as a testbed for ontology evaluation and integration techniques, and that can support the design, evaluation, and application of ontologies in first-order logic. During the Ontology Clinic, we will explore ontology evaluation within COLORE as well as use COLORE as the source for ontologies to be evaluated by other techniques.    (3O5U)
O2. Ontology Clinic-A: Verification and quality measurements for ISO 15926 reference data - from: VictorAgroskin (TechInvestLab, RU) / 2013.03.06    (3O6P)
see: proposal    (3O6Q)
Abstract: ... This ontology clinic is aimed at the evaluation of publicly available ISO 15926 reference data, viewing it as an ontology for the engineering domain. We will look for compliance to upper ontology constraints, diagnose problems in reference data, evaluate ease of understanding and use of existing data, and make suggestions for ontology improvement. Another goal is to apply formal ontology quality metrics for data in question.    (3O6R)

The effort will develop rules and algorithms to support generic verification tests, and also attempt to invent and implement specialized checks and quality metrics for ISO 15926 reference data.    (3O6S)

Collaborators: ... Project initiators areTechInvestLab.ru, a Moscow (Russia) based company, developer of the .15926 software environment. Another team of tool developers from Moscow (http://agentlab.blogspot.ru) has also expressed interest in participating.    (3O6U)

We are looking for collaborators – ontology evaluation experts commanding any generic or specialized software tools to work on proposed ISO 15926 datasets. We will welcome software tool developers willing to show use of their instruments for project tasks.    (3O6V)

from JoelBender / 2013.03.08 ... I'm interested in participating. I'm not an ontology evaluation expert by any stretch of the imagination, nor do I have access to any but the most basic tools, but I would bring enthusiasm, a thirst for knowledge, and my own well developed flare for self deprecating humor.    (3OB7)

from MariCarmenSuarezFigueroa /2013.03.11 ... I'm very interested on collaborating in your proposal playing the role of an ontology evaluation expert. We can use OOPS! as first step for identifying problems in the ontologies and then we can also use the method in which OOPS! is based (probably in combination with other quality frameworks such as the one presented by SamirTartir and the one presented by AstridDuqueRamos).    (3OHJ)

Our own tool .15926 Editor is freely available (http://techinvestlab.ru/dot15926Editor), well documented, is designed for exploratory programming and includes examples of use for data verification. Basic knowledge of the Python programming language will be enough to join us in the project with this tool.    (3O6W)

We will be happy to provide office space for real world collaboration in Moscow, well connected to the virtual environment of the Hackathon.   (3O6X)

O3. Ontology Clinic-A: FIBO Ontology Evaluation with OOPS!, OQuaRE and other Tools - from:MikeBennett (FIBO), MariCarmenSuarezFigueroa(OOPS!), MariaPovedaVillalon (OOPS!),JesualdoTomasFernandezBreis (OQuaRE),AstridDuqueRamos (OQuaRE) / 2013.03.11    (3OHT)
see: proposal    (3OHU)
Abstract: ... This ontology clinic aims to explore the application of ontology quality measures to ontologies produced under the Financial Industry Business Ontology (FIBO) umbrella. In this clinic we will explore the application of the OOPS! andOQuaRE methodologies and tools to two styles of ontology developed under the FIBO umbrella: Business Conceptual Ontologies (BCOs) which are the FIBO standards themselves; and example "Operational Ontologies" derived from these for deployment in semantic technology applications. We would look to establish which types of measure should be applied to each type of ontology and apply the relevant tools and techniques to these. From this activity we hope to make the first steps towards defining a formal quality process for the future development of formal standards under the FIBO umbrella, a set of quality assurance parameters for users who need to extend the FIBO BCO locally for their own conceptual semantic modeling, and a set of guidance notes, validation and verification techniques etc. for developers of semantic technology applications based on the FIBO standards.    (3OHV)
Deliverables:    (3OHW)
Elements of a formal methodology for development of FIBO Business Conceptual Ontologies    (3OHX)
Elements of a formal methodology for local extension of FIBO BCOs by end users, to create their own ontologies at the same conceptual level (for onward use either in conventional technology model driven development, data integration or the development of operational ontologies for semantic processing)    (3OHY)
Formal conformance points for operational ontologies (new textual material for future versions of the FIBO OMG specifications)   (3OHZ)
Notes and “how to” material for developers of semantic technology applications that use FIBO    (3OI0)
Remarks: ... We see this clinic as a vital first step in our development both of the formal methodologies for FIBO standards development and of the conformance points and developer guidance necessary for end users to make practical use of FIBO in semantic technology-based applications.    (3OI1)
O4. Ontology Clinic-B: Validating OQuaRE and completing it with additional subcharacterictics and quality metrics - from: AstridDuqueRamos andJesualdoTomasFernandezBreis / 2013.03.07    (3O8R)
see: proposal    (3O8S)
Abstract: ... OQuaRE is a framework for Ontology Quality Requirements and Evaluation based on ISO/IEC 25000:2005, the standard for Software Quality Requirements and Evaluation, OQuaREdefines intrinsic and extrinsic quality criteria in terms of quality sub-characteristics. This ontology clinic pursues the validation of the quality sub-characteristics and metrics defined in OQuaRE and the addition of the new metrics, sub-characteristics or the association of existent metrics with the existent sub-characteristics. To meet this target we are searching for ontology evaluation experts and ontology experts who want to propose new sub-characteristics or redefine the existent ones and for ontology metrics developers who want to include their own metrics into theOQuaRE sub-characteristics in order to complement the existent ones.    (3O8T)
Collaborators: AstridDuqueRamos andJesualdoTomasFernandezBreis would provide the facilities for the discussion and arrangement of the results.    (3O8U)
We are searching for:    (3O8V)
Ontology evaluation experts and ontology experts who want to evaluateOQuaRE and propose new sub-characteristics or the redefinition of the existent ones.    (3O8W)
Ontology metrics developers who want to include their own metrics into theOQuaRE sub-characteristics in order to complement the existent ones.    (3O8X)
...    (3O1O)
Application Clinic Proposals Received    (3O1P)

A1. Application Clinic: I-Choose – Building Ontology for Sustainable Products Certification and Inspection - from: JoanneLuciano,DjokoSigitSayogo (and Colleagues from University at Albany), et al. / 2013.03.07    (3O6E)
see: proposal    (3O8Y)
Abstract: ... The I-Choose project is a research activity involving a research team that consists of practitioners and researchers from the US, Mexico and Canada from the fields of information science, computer science, economics, and political science. The I-Choose project aims to develop a data architecture based on ontology to support sustainable consumer choice so that consumers can make decisions that maximize their specific utility preferences. Our initial case is the market for certified coffee produced and consumed in the North American region. Our preliminary research and findings based on interviews with organizations in the supply chain have sharpened our focus on the specific function of certification and inspection by mission-driven third party certifiers as the “missing link” in providing trusted information about unobservable product attributes to customers in the sustainable product supply-chain. In relation, the current objective of I-Choose is to develop an OWL-based ontology that can satisfy three elements,    (3OID)
a) run on certification and inspection data sets such as those found in the Fairtrade certification system,    (3OIE)
b) handle several different types of problems (retrieving reliable data about an individual certification criteria, returning meta-data about criteria, respecting rules about data ownership, etc.), and    (3OIF)
c) handle a great amount of detail (such as integrating judgments from many criteria).   (3OIG)
The development of the ontology will follow the same logic and framing on the SemantEco Water Quality Ontology from the Tetherless World Constellation.    (3O8Z)

A2. / H8. Ontology Support for Ontology Evaluation - from: AmandaVizedom / 2013.03.08   (3O90)
see: proposal    (3O91)
Abstract: ...    (3OBQ)
The 2013 Ontology Summit is bringing together a rich range of perspectives on ontology evaluation. Some of these perspectives are fairly abstract, some are encoded in methods and practices, and some are encoded in tools. Critical interaction via summit sessions and discussion has resulted in greater sharing of knowledge and in richer understandings of ontology evaluation at multiple elements. This enrichment is likely to be apparent in the activities and future products of summit participants. Another manifestation of this enrichment will be the summit Communique. The goal of this “hackathons & clinics” activity is to add another manifestation: a formal ontology representing ontology evaluation elements, factors, relationships, processes, etc., as they have emerged from summit discussion.    (3OBO)

The scope of this project is staged to increase with available resources or as time permits, beginning with representation of the most important general concepts and their relationships to one another, through representation of specific metrics, tools, ontology characteristics, evaluation processes, and multi-faceted organizations thereof. Scope and prioritization will be requirements-driven, based on two or more rough use cases developed ahead of time. These use cases will include, at minimum, one direct human-use scenario and one system-incorporation scenario, such as (for example): (a) a human user, using the ontology in the process of determining how well-suited a particular ontology is for a particular application; and (b) a repository environment incorporating the ontology into a feature set meant to enable matching of use cases and well-suited ontologies, through stated or inferred requirements and performed or recorded evaluations.    (3O92)

Collaborators: ... soliciting support and contribution from:    (3OBM)

o Ontologists: The feasibility of this project as a 1-2 day ontology sprint depends on having at least a handful of folks to do the representation. The plan, pending consultation with collaborators, is to make major design decisions in collaboration, and to modularize and distribute chunks of KR throughout the team, working in parallel with open communication channels during the sprint.   (3OBN)

o Potential Users While we can work with imagined use cases, real potential ones are better. If you can see how you might use the resulting ontology, and have some real (albeit potential and result-dependent) interest in doing so, your use case would be most welcome. Real use cases, and real potential deployment, will help focus and energize this ontology development sprint.    (3O93)

from AliHashemi: I'd be interested in collaborating with you and others on this project.    (3OR1)

Independent Contributors (sign-up)    (3O1R)

Anyone who is not directly associated in one of the proposed projects, but would want to participate, should sign up below, and identify what projects you would like to participate in, and the skills you can bring to the table.   (3O1S)

(example) JaneDoe    (3O1T)
would like to participate in the hackathon, and work on slicing-and-dicing theOntologySummit2013 survey data    (3O1U)
skills: semantic mediawiki; php; css; html    (3O1V)...    (3O1W)

Received on Thursday, 28 March 2013 18:02:26 UTC