Re: owl:sameAs - Is it used in a right way?

On 03/20/2013 12:04 AM, Pat Hayes wrote:
> On Mar 18, 2013, at 4:04 PM, David Booth wrote:
>> On 03/17/2013 10:02 PM, Pat Hayes wrote:
>>> On Mar 16, 2013, at 11:26 PM, David Booth wrote:
[ . . . ]
>>>> Read the spec:
>>> Indeed. Section 1.2, first paragraph: "... the semantics simply
>>> assumes that ... a single URI reference can be taken to have the
>>> same meaning wherever it occurs. Similarly, the semantics has no
>>> special provision for tracking temporal changes. It assumes,
>>> implicitly, that URI references have the same meaning whenever
>>> they occur."
[ . . .]
>> But presumably that passage from Section 1.2 means ". . . whenever
>> they occur _in the *given* graph, i.e., the graph whose semantics
>> are being determined_",
> No, it means wherever they occur, period. If they occur in several
> graphs, they all refer in the same way in all of them.

Absolutely not.  That is only true for *one* interpretation.  But as you 
clearly admit below, "there can be many of these interpretations", and 
each interpretation could map the URI to a *different* resource.

Thus, to be very clear, under the existing RDF Semantics specification, 
a given URI does *not* necessarily map to only one resource.

So, returning to my point made many messages ago, the idea that a URI 
denotes only one resource is a good architectural goal, but it is *not* 
required under existing RDF Semantics.

It is important that we avoid slipping into the trap of assuming that 
there is only one interpretation.

[The rest of my response is mostly nitpicking, so readers who only want 
to read the main point may safely stop reading here.]

>> since the spec would be meaningless if it were predicated on the
>> assumption that a URI always has the same meaning everywhere:
> It had better not be, as it is predicated upon that assumption :-)
>> 1. If a URI always denoted the same resource then there would be no
>> need in the RDF Semantics for multiple interpretations that map URI
>> references to different resources, because every interpretation
>> would necessarily map a URI to the exact same resource.
> No. Lets make sure we are speaking very carefully here. An
> interpretation is a mapping from names (URIrefs - now called IRIs -
> and literals) to things in a universe. Each such mapping is from the
> names to what they are being interpreted, in this interpretation, to
> name. (In the RDF 1.1 spec just being written, by the way, every
> interpretation mapping is a mapping on *all* names, not just a
> 'vocabulary V' of names.) So each interpretaton is a decision about
> what the names mean.
> But of course there can be many of these interpretations.

> One of them
> might map "ex:PatHayes" to me, considered as a continuant, and
> another might map it to the number 37.5, and yet another to my cat's
> right front paw. But each of the many (maybe uncountably many)
> interpretation mappings maps each *name* to some thing, and it
> applies to *all occurrences* of that name. There is no such thing as
> an RDF interpretation which maps an URI in one graph to one thing and
> the same URI in a different graph to something else.
>> The RDF Semantics would need only one, unique  global mapping!  But
>> as we know (and Section 1.3 states): "there is no such thing as
>> 'the' unique interpretation of an RDF graph".  Presumably these
>> non-unique interpretations can and do map the same URI to different
>> resources, do they not?
> DIfferent interpretations map the same URI to different resources,
Ah-ha!  The smoking gun!  :)

> yes. But each interpretation fixes that resource for each URI, and it
> applies to every occurrence of the URI.

Yes, exactly.

>> 2. As we know, a false assumption entails everything.  If I were a
>> drug dealer, I could one week declare to my co-conspirators that
>> this week, means heroin, and next week it means
>> morphine.
> True, but you and your evil henchmen would then be using RDF in a
> noncompliant way which does not fit with the normative specs. (People
> do do such things, of course; but specifications do not cease to be
> normative when people fail to conform to them.)
>> In which case, that URI clearly would *not* have the same meaning
>> whenever it occurs.  So if the RDF Semantics were predicated on the
>> false assumption that it does, the RDF Semantics would be
>> meaningless.
> No, it would have the consequence that if someone were to follow the
> RDF specs in this case, they would get into trouble. That often
> happens to people who believe the specs and try to act on them, when
> other people don't follow the specs. Still, that distasteful fact
> about the dirty real world does not make normative specifications
> meaningless.
>> In short, I can only see how the RDF Semantics could possibly make
>> sense if the idea that "URI references have the same meaning
>> whenever they occur" is talking about a *single* interpretation.
> Yes, it is talking about a single **interpretation**. See above.
> Whatever each URI means - we might not know what it means, hence the
> need to consider alternative interpretations, but whatever it
> actually means - every occurrence of it means that. It means what it
> means globally.
>> Have I completely misunderstood something fundamental here?
> Possibly. I'm not sure. Do my answers make sense to you?

They do make sense.   You have confirmed my previous understanding of 
the RDF Semantics.

>>>> The RDF semantics is only defined for a *given* RDF graph.  It
>>>> does not constrain a URI's resource identity across *different*
>>>> graphs.
>>> No, it does so constrain what URIs mean.  It presumes that a
>>> given URI denotes some single thing, wherever it occurs. The
>>> interpretation mappings are defined as mappings upon URIs. not
>>> upon occurences of a URI token in a particular graph; and the
>>> semantics does not mention contexts or any other mechanism which
>>> would allow a URI in one place to denote differently from the
>>> same URI in another place (or at another time, cf the above
>>> quote.)
>> The RDF Semantics spec defines a procedure
> Well, not actually a *procedure*. It is not required to be
> computable. But OK, leave that aside for now...
>> that is *parameterized* by a given interpretation (called "I"), and
>> a given RDF graph or piece thereof (called "E").
> No, it defines an interpretation mapping and explains how to *apply*
> that mapping to a graph E.

It certainly does *not* define interpretation I.  "I" can be *any* 
interpretation.  It is universally quantified.

If I say "For any dog D, if D is black then D is a poodle", that does 
*not* define D.

> E is an argument, not a parameter.

Uh . . . no.  Perhaps we have a clash of terminology here, between 
mathematicians and computer scientists, but please look up the 
difference between "parameter" and "argument":
The two terms are often used interchangeably, but (at least in computer 
science) if a distinction is made, E would be called a *parameter* -- 
not an argument.  Perhaps it's different in mathematics?  Clearer terms 
are "formal parameter" and "actual parameter", in which case "E" is the 
formal parameter.  An actual parameter would be a piece of RDF syntax, 
such as a URI, triple or graph.

>> The spec is riddled with references to those parameters, and
>> semantic rules are written in terms of them.  A typical example
>> from Section 1.4 reads:
>> "if E is a ground RDF graph then I(E) = false if I(E') = false for
>> some triple E' in E, otherwise I(E) =true."
>> How could this procedure possibly define the semantics of a graph
>> that it has not been given -- i.e., a graph that is not E?
> E can be *any* ground graph. The symbol "E" in this text is not the
> name of a particular graph, it is a universally quantified varaible
> ranging over all ground graphs. ALL of them.
>> Of course one may choose any graph to consider, so any graph *may*
>> be considered E, in which case the procedure tells you the
>> semantics *of* *that* *graph*.
> Yes, exactly.
>> But AFAICT, there is no way around *first* deciding what RDF graph
>> and interpretation you wish to consider, and *then* the procedure
>> defined in the RDF Semantics will tell you the truth value of
>> *that* graph relative to *that* interpretation.
> This is mathematics, not an algorithm. There is no first/then
> involved.
>> AFAICT, it says nothing about any other RDF graph that is not under
>> consideration.
> It says something about all (ground) graphs, and it does not mention
> being "under consideration", whatever that means.
>> I see no requirement in the RDF Semantics that interpretation "I"
>> be the *same* interpretation for every graph "E" to which this
>> procedure is applied.
> There is none, of course. The semantic definitions you are citing
> here apply to all interpretations and all graphs. (I really don't
> understand what point you are making here, to be honest.)

The point that I attempted to make was that a URI *can* and often *does* 
denote different resources, in full conformance with the current RDF 
Semantics specification.  As we have now so laboriously agreed, the RDF 
Semantics only requires that a URI always map to the same resource 
within a *single* interpretation.  But it permits many interpretations. 
  Ergo my point.

> The
> semantic rules simply specify when a graph (any graph) is true in an
> interpretation (any interpretation). But interpretations are not
> defined "on" graphs: they are mappings from *names* to things. That
> does not mention graphs at all. So to then start talking about one
> graph in one interpretation and another graph in another
> interpretation simply misses the point. The fact that there are many
> possible interpretations is a reflection of the fact that we
> typically are in a state of doubt about what the names (URIs)
> actually refer to.

That sounds dangerously close to falling into the trap of assuming that 
there really is only one, global, correct interpretation.  And it is 
*my* interpretation, of course.  ;)

> But we are not in doubt that they do actually, or
> are intended to actually, refer to something, and that **what they
> refer to is not dependent on where they occur**: a given URI in one
> graph refers to the same thing as it does in another graph, which is
> why we can glean RDF from many sources and mash it together to draw
> inferences.

Except that we can't.  Because in reality, what those URIs refer to 
*does* sometimes depend on where they occur, since people with different 
perspectives *do* make different assumptions in different graphs.  Thus, 
to correctly interpret those graphs, different interpretations sometimes 
*should* be used.  And the existing RDF Semantics works just fine for 
this, until you try to merge those graphs, at which point the semantics 
would have to be extended to handle contexts.


> The RDF semantics is predicated on this assumption. And a
> context version of RDF would not assume this: it would allow a single
> URI to mean one thing in one graph and a different thing in another
> graph, consistently, in a *single* interpretation.
>> Am I right, or have I completely misunderstood something
>> fundamental?
>>> Entailment, for example, is defined upon *sets* of RDF graphs,
>>> and the definition of merging makes sense only if the URIs in
>>> these various graphs all denote in the same way.
>> [Side note: As discussed above, surely you mean that "merging makes
>> sense only if the URIs in these various graphs all denote in the
>> same way" *in* a given interpretation.  Right?
> In *all* interpretations, but yes, OK.
>> ]
>> Of course, but again, merging is defined on a *given* set S of RDF
>> graphs.
> It is defined on sets of graphs. Being "given" is not a meaningful
> mathematical term, AFAIK.
>> Once the user of the RDF Semantics spec has *chosen* S, the spec
>> defines entailment upon *that* S -- not on some other, unspecified
>> set.  Is that correct
> No. Entailment is a relation between sets of graphs, and graphs. No
> choosing involved.
>> , or have I completely misunderstood the spec?
>>>> And here is a trivial existence proof that demonstrates that a
>>>> URI does *not* necessarily denote the same resource in
>>>> different graphs.
>>>> Graph 1 (assuming standard owl: prefix):
>>>> <http://example/h> a <http://example/WhiteHorse> .
>>>> <http://example/WhiteHorse> owl:disjointWith
>>>> <http://example/BlackHorse> .
>>>> Graph 2:
>>>> <http://example/h> a <http://example/BlackHorse> .
>>>> <http://example/WhiteHorse> owl:disjointWith
>>>> <http://example/BlackHorse> .
>>>> Each graph (by itself) has satisfying interpretations per
>>>> standard RDF (and OWL) semantics.  And <http://example/h>
>>>> denotes a resource in each graph.  But clearly it denotes a
>>>> *different* resource in each graph.
>>> The conclusion you should draw here is that these graphs cannot
>>> both be true. And indeed, if you merge those graphs into one,
>>> then that merged graph is owl-inconsistent. But that does not
>>> mean that the URIs denote differently in the two graphs. What it
>>> does reflect is the fact that no interpretation of names will
>>> make a contradiction true.
>> Of course both graph 1 and graph 2 can both be true!  They are just
>> true under different interpretations!
> There is no interpretation that makes them both true. That is the
> precise way to say that they cannot both be true.
>> And in this case, those interpretations will necessarily map
>> http://example/h to different resources.
> Well, they might interpret http://example/WhiteHorse and
> http://example/BlackHorse differently. But I expect this is
> nit-picking.
>> On the other hand, the merge of graphs 1 and 2 is necessarily false
>> under any interpretation.
> Right.
>> Unless I am terribly mistaken, the RDF Semantics spec does not
>> mandate the use of a single, a unique interpretation that must be
>> applied to every RDF graph.
> It does not mandate a single interpretation, of course, But it does
> presume that each interpretation determines the truthvalue of every
> graph.
>> Indeed, to my mind the main value of the RDF Semantics is that,
>> given an RDF graph, it allows one to determine the range of
>> possible interpretations under which that graph is true.
> Yes. And it does that for *every* graph :-)
>>>>> that does not concur with either the web specifications
>>>> Correct.  As I pointed out, the AWWW's statement that "a URI
>>>> identifies one resource" is a good goal, but it does not
>>>> concur with standard RDF semantics.
>>> It is quite consistent with, indeed presupposed by, RDF
>>> semantics. As to whether it is really the case, that is a whole
>>> more complicated question. But note that when AWWW says
>>> "identify", it apparently does not always mean what RDF semantics
>>> means by "denote". There is no assumption in RDF theory or
>>> practice that a URI must denote what it 'dereferences' to using
>>> http.
>> Right, that's a different question.
>> It might well be the case that
>>> awww-identification is unique even while denotation is not.
>>>> nor the goals they were built to satisfy. Caveat emptor.
>>>> Not true!  As I said before, I *agree* with the goal stated in
>>>> the AWWW, that a URI should denote one resource!  But that does
>>>> not change the reality: that a URI does *not* necessarily
>>>> denote only one resource.
>>> You are probably right, but to the extent that they do not, then
>>> meaningful communication fails. So communication usually
>>> presumes that they do, until circumstances force this assumption
>>> to be revisited.
>> I think that is overly pessimistic.  I think useful communication
>> can still be achieved, provided that the ambiguity is bounded.
> Ah, we in fact agree here, but your way of phrasing it led me astray.
> OK.
> Pat
>> And when URI definitions are shared, the RDF Semantics (and its
>> semantic extensions) provide a very neat way to bound that
>> ambiguity.
>> David
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Received on Thursday, 21 March 2013 02:58:44 UTC