Re: Identifiers (was Notes from today's meeting)

On 4 June 2013 09:20, Jerven Bolleman <> wrote:

> The void uriRegexPattern might be good enough.
  There is also xsd:pattern that can be applied to a xsd:anyURI. That makes
URIs OWL datatypes though, which might not be desirable.

But I am thinking that we can have stronger validation patterns if we think
> a bit more.
> e.g. can we think of something that can prevent.
> uniprot:P12345 a up:Sequence .
> sequence:P12345 a up:Protein .
  It would be good if whatever we come up with is supported by the
reasoners that are currently around.


Received on Tuesday, 4 June 2013 13:32:33 UTC