Call for Posters, Demos and Participation -- DILS 2012


                   DILS 2012 Call for Participation

++++++++++++                                             ++++++++++++
         Registration is open:
             Deadline for posters and demos: May 31, 2012
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8th International Conference on Data Integration in the Life Sciences

                       College Park, MD, USA,
                          June 28-29, 2012


About the Conference

Applications of data integration in the life sciences have started to 
provide significant results. For example, the eMERGE Network has 
recently demonstrated that combining phenotype information extracted 
from electronic medical records with genotype information in order to 
study the relationship between genome-wide genetic variation and common 
human traits is a viable and cost-effective alternative to the 
traditional genome-wide association studies (GWAS).

Of course, such studies leverage the foundational work of the past 
decade on biomedical data integration (architectures, data models, 
ontologies, privacy, etc), which had paved the way for life sciences 
infrastructures, such as ELIXIR, the open source Informatics for 
Integrating Biology and the Bedside (i2b2) platform, and federated query 
tools, such as the Shared Health Research Information Network (SHRINE).

The increasing availability of "big data", coming from high-throughput 
analytical techniques, large clinical data repositories, the biomedical 
literature and online resources, offers exciting opportunities to 
researchers, but also poses new integration challenges.

DILS 2012 is the 8th in a series on international conferences that aim 
at fostering discussion, exchange, and innovation in research and 
development in the areas of data integration and data management for the 
life sciences. Researchers and professionals from biology, medicine, 
computer science and engineering are invited to share their knowledge 
and experience.

DILS 2012 will have three keynotes talks, peer-reviewed paper 
presentations, flash presentations, and a poster/demo session.

Poster/demo submission

DILS 2012 invites submissions for posters and demos to be presented in 
the poster/demo session at the conference.

Please submit poster/demo abstracts to dils2012conference at 
as plain text files (up to 400 words, exclusive of title, authors and 
affiliations), clearly specifying the category (Poster or Demo).

The poster/demo abstracts are not part of the main DILS 2012 
proceedings, but will be published on the DILS web site and distributed 
at the conference. The organizers will provide a basic setup (easels, 
tables), but no computers or projectors.
The best posters will be selected for a flash presentation during the 
main conference.

Submission: May 31, 2012

Keynote speakers

     * Jim Ostell, NCBI, National Library of Medicine, NIH
       Entrez: The NCBI Search and Discovery Engine

     * Ken Barker, IBM Watson group
       Combining Structured and Unstructured Knowledge Sources for 
Question Answering in Watson

     * Jim Cimino, Clinical Center, NIH
       The Biomedical Translational Research Information System: 
Clinical Data Integration at the National Institutes of Health


   - Foundations of Data Integration

     * InterOnto - Ranking Inter-Ontology Links
       Silke Trißl, Philipp Hussels and Ulf Leser

     * Finding Cross Genome Patterns in Annotation Graphs
       Joseph Benik, Caren Chang, Louiqa Raschid, Maria Esther Vidal, 
Guillermo Palma and Andreas Thor

     * Pay-as-you-go Ranking of Schema Mappings using Query Logs
       Ruhaila Binti Maskat, Norman W. Paton and Suzanne Embury

   - New Paradigms for Data Integration

     * Cancer Data Integration and Querying with GeneTegra
       E. Patrick Shironoshita, Yves R. Jean-Mary, Ray M. Bradley, 
Patricia Buendia and Mansur R. Kabuka

     * Integrating large, disparate biomedical ontologies to boost organ 
development network connectivity
       Chimezie Ogbuji and Rong Xu

     * Crowdsourcing for Validating Candidate Gene-Mutation Relations in 
MEDLINE Abstracts
       John D. Burger, Emily Doughty, Sam Bayer, David Tresner-Kirsch, 
Ben Wellner, John Aberdeen, Kyungjoon Lee, Maricel G. Kann and Lynette 

   - Integrating Clinical Data

     * ONCO-i2b2: improve patients selection through case-based 
information retrieval techniques
       Daniele Segagni, Riccardo Bellazzi, Alberto Zambelli, Silvia G. 
Priori, Matteo Gabetta and Valentina Tibollo

     * Syntactic-Semantic Frames for Clinical Cohort Identification Queries
       Dina Demner-Fushman and Swapna Abhyankar

Received on Tuesday, 15 May 2012 18:47:36 UTC