bind results

Hi there,

I am running the following query in BIND through federated query:

select *
where {

?protein1 <> ?protein2 .
?protein1 a <> .
 ?protein2  a <> .
filter ( ?protein1 !=  ?protein2 )


This strange list of "protein associations" does not seem to make sense;

Some of these associations, e.g.
<> <>

Appear to come from the BIND raw file "BDB_cid.txt
5.72 MB ) Mapping between BindingDB monomerid and PubChem cid"
Which would mean that gi:9609 is a monomer and gi:33589859 is a pubchem
cid, which is a compound (in this case, it goes by the very long name
of tetra-O-benzyl-d-mannitol
deriv. 1jj, D-Mannitol,

So, I think that a whole bunch of identifiers appear to be misclassified...
Unless I am missing something...

Any help with be greatly appreciated!
Helena F. Deus
Post-Doctoral Researcher at DERI/NUIG

Received on Wednesday, 13 June 2012 16:29:56 UTC