Re: [linkedlifew3cnote] Fwd: Proofs of [WEBSEM_275]

On Jul 6, 2012, at 1:25 PM, M. Scott Marshall wrote:

> Thanks Richard! Looks like we're almost done.
> After a doodle poll to expression RDF participants, we've arrived at
> 12PM ET / 6PM CET (one hour later than the normal Linked Life Data
> time) on Monday July 9 to recalibrate the effort of the Expression RDF
> W3C note.

Great.  (I have a hard stop at 1PM EST - with a deliverable later that day.)
> Anybody want to meet a little earlier (at the normal LLD time of 11AM
> ET) to go through the article and note as Richard suggests below? If
> so, please let me know.

Yes.  10 AM would be better for me (so I don't have 3 hours in a row).
> BTW, we're planning for Amrapali to tell us about
> and in
> the coming weeks. Because the meeting one hour later might have people
> who are interested in her work, we are thinking about a later date
> (and she can't do July 16).
> Cheers,
> Scott
> On Fri, Jul 6, 2012 at 5:33 PM, Richard Boyce <> wrote:
>> All, I made some progress on fixing the HTML version of the document but ran
>> out of time before having to leave for a family trip. I worked on the HTML
>> file on my computer using emacs and XHTML mode while viewing the changes by
>> pointing my browser to the HTML file (reminds me of working in LaTeX  only
>> harder:) ).
>> Here is the status:
>> - I removed the unnecessary sections below the references section
>> - I made all urls in the references clickable (but did not test for dead
>> links)
>> - I corrected the affiliations per Mikel suggestions and what was recorded
>> in the last version of our paper (attached)
>> - I integrated Mikel's changes to the acknowledgement section
>> What is left to do:
>> - If you are able to on Monday before or during the LODD call, please spend
>> some time going through the final version or our paper and checking for
>> which changes should be brought back into the note. I made it through most
>> of section 1 but did not try to bring every change in (e.g., dataset remains
>> dataset but could be changed using a string search and replace).
>> - The URLs in the references should be checked for dead links.
>> - Any reference to the "W3C HCLS Wiki " for tools needs to be corrected to
>> point to
>> Sorry I could not get to everything. I can pick up what cannot be addressed
>> by others in this group mid or late next week.
>> kind regards,
>> -Rich
>> On 06/25/2012 11:50 AM, M. Scott Marshall wrote:
>>> Here's the last version of the article with latest changes
>>> highlighted. This is so that we can be sure that all improvements,
>>> corrections made it into the html.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Scott
> -- 
> M. Scott Marshall, PhD
> MAASTRO clinic,

Received on Friday, 6 July 2012 17:44:27 UTC