Re: [linkedlifew3cnote] Fwd: Proofs of [WEBSEM_275]

Thanks Richard! Looks like we're almost done.

After a doodle poll to expression RDF participants, we've arrived at
12PM ET / 6PM CET (one hour later than the normal Linked Life Data
time) on Monday July 9 to recalibrate the effort of the Expression RDF
W3C note.

Anybody want to meet a little earlier (at the normal LLD time of 11AM
ET) to go through the article and note as Richard suggests below? If
so, please let me know.

BTW, we're planning for Amrapali to tell us about and in
the coming weeks. Because the meeting one hour later might have people
who are interested in her work, we are thinking about a later date
(and she can't do July 16).


On Fri, Jul 6, 2012 at 5:33 PM, Richard Boyce <> wrote:
> All, I made some progress on fixing the HTML version of the document but ran
> out of time before having to leave for a family trip. I worked on the HTML
> file on my computer using emacs and XHTML mode while viewing the changes by
> pointing my browser to the HTML file (reminds me of working in LaTeX  only
> harder:) ).
> Here is the status:
> - I removed the unnecessary sections below the references section
> - I made all urls in the references clickable (but did not test for dead
> links)
> - I corrected the affiliations per Mikel suggestions and what was recorded
> in the last version of our paper (attached)
> - I integrated Mikel's changes to the acknowledgement section
> What is left to do:
> - If you are able to on Monday before or during the LODD call, please spend
> some time going through the final version or our paper and checking for
> which changes should be brought back into the note. I made it through most
> of section 1 but did not try to bring every change in (e.g., dataset remains
> dataset but could be changed using a string search and replace).
> - The URLs in the references should be checked for dead links.
> - Any reference to the "W3C HCLS Wiki " for tools needs to be corrected to
> point to
> Sorry I could not get to everything. I can pick up what cannot be addressed
> by others in this group mid or late next week.
> kind regards,
> -Rich
> On 06/25/2012 11:50 AM, M. Scott Marshall wrote:
>> Here's the last version of the article with latest changes
>> highlighted. This is so that we can be sure that all improvements,
>> corrections made it into the html.
>> Cheers,
>> Scott

M. Scott Marshall, PhD
MAASTRO clinic,

Received on Friday, 6 July 2012 17:26:17 UTC