On 19/10/2011 10:53, Helena Deus wrote:
I am working with agilent probe_ids and it seems only ensembl has the correspondence to the correct gene. Does anyone know of any plans for RDF-izing or adding a SPARQL endpoint to ensembl?
A subset of SPARQL is supported in the release candidate 7 of BioMart 0.8: https://code.oicr.on.ca/svn/biomart/biomart-java/branches/release-0_8-candidate_7
Output is either provided in form of SPARQL-XML or RDF N3. The processors for formatting are selected in the query URL, which are "SPARQLXML" and "RDFN3" respectively. In the documentation, only "SPARQLXML" is given as an example, but you can replace it with "RDFN3"*.
* in most cases
Joachim Baran, PhD
Database Programmer/Technical Analyst, Informatics and Bio-computing
Ontario Institute for Cancer Research
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