- From: Matthias Samwald <samwald@gmx.at>
- Date: Wed, 9 Mar 2011 10:46:00 +0100
- To: "Egon Willighagen" <egon.willighagen@gmail.com>, <public-semweb-lifesci@w3.org>
> Five databases have a non-commercial clause involved, making it Open > according to the LODD definitions (correct?), but not Open following > the OFKN's standards. The original plan was to set up an informative > package of information explaining why the NC clause causes problems, > but we did not get around to this. From a LODD perspective, this is a > non-issue, as I understood (I have not been around when "LODD" was > defined). I'm not sure if clear-cut rules for LODD have been defined. However, many people interested/involved in LODD come from commercially oriented companies (mostly pharmaceutical companies). Therefore it certainly IS a reason for concern if 5 out of 12 datasets disallow commercial use without permission. It would certainly be helpful to convince these data providers of removing the NC clause, but it seems unlikely. Looking at the list of datasets with NC clauses (including Drugbank, LinkedCT, major parts of SIDER, STITCH), I get the feeling that the providers did not choose to include NC clauses on a whim. I guess the best we can realistically do for these datasets is to improve the visibility of these licensing restrictions for people that want to use them. - Matthias
Received on Wednesday, 9 March 2011 09:46:47 UTC