Hi Mark,
Great to hear from you. What would you recommend instead?
I thought the drugs we two individuals (instances of drugs).
On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 4:18 PM, Mark Wilkinson <markw@illuminae.com> wrote:
> < :drugX rdf:type myshema:drug > and then somewhere else state that
>> < myschema:drug owl:sameAs someother:drug >.
> I wouldn't advise this - it's an OWL Full construct. You can only use
> sameAs to merge two *individuals* in OWL DL.
> Mark
> --
> Dr. Mark Wilkinson
> Assistant Professor, Medical Genetics
> PI Bioinformatics, Institute for Heart and Lung Health
> St. Paul's Hospital/UBC
> Vancouver, BC, Canada
Helena F. Deus
Post-Doctoral Researcher at DERI/NUIG