OTM 2010 - Call for Workshop Proposals - DEADLINE EXTENDED March 15


OnTheMove OTM Federated Conferences and Workshops 2010 (OTM'10)
Crete, Greece
25-29 October, 2010


Proceedings will be published by Springer Verlag

The 14 workshops of OTM'09 were a real success as hundreds
of researchers converged through the presentation of interesting
ideas in several domains relevant to the themes of distributed,
meaningful and ubiquitous computing and information systems.

Proposals for new workshops are presently solicited for affiliation
with OTM 2010. The main goal of the OTM 2010 workshops is to stimulate
and facilitate an active exchange, interaction and comparison of
new approaches and methods.

OTM'10 provides an opportunity for a highly diverse body of
researchers and practitioners by federating five successful
related and complementary conferences:
   * CoopIS'10 (International Conference on Cooperative Information
   * DOA'10 (International Symposium on Distributed Objects and
   * ODBASE'10 (International Conference on Ontologies, DataBases, and
     applications of Semantics)
   * IS'10 (Information Security Symposium)

OTM'10 especially encourages proposals that are related to the
OnTheMove themes. The format of each workshop is to be determined
by the organisers. Please consult the formats of the workshops held
in the previous editions for examples of successful workshops:
* http://www.onthemove-conferences.org/index.php/iwssa09
* http://www.cs.rmit.edu.au/fedconf/2007/index.html?page=persys2007cfp
* http://www.cs.rmit.edu.au/fedconf/2006/index.html?page=is2006cfp
* http://www.cs.rmit.edu.au/fedconf/2005/cams2005cfp.html


Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit workshop proposals
to the OTM 2010 Workshop Chair:

Pilar Herrero (pherrero@fi.upm.es)

no later than *** Monday, March 15, 2010 ***

Submission should be made by e-mail (ASCII/PS/PDF/DOC format are accepted)

"OTM Workshop Proposal Submission"

as the email subject.

Prospective organizers are also encouraged to discuss with the Workshops
Chair prior to submitting proposals.


In order to make it easier to evaluate your proposal, it would be greatly
appreciated if in crafting your proposal you could include the following

* A brief technical description of the workshop, specifying the
  workshop goals and the technical issues that will be its focus.

* A brief discussion of why and to whom the workshop is of interest.

* A list of related workshops held within the last two years, if any,
  and their relation to the proposed workshop.

* If applicable, detailed information about previous editions of
  the same workshop (e.g., number of submissions, number of attendees).

* A preliminary call for participation/papers.

* The names, postal addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses of
  the proposed workshop organizing committee.

* The name of the primary contact for the organizing committee;
  an email address of this person should be given.

* A description of the qualifications of the individual committee
  members with respect to organizing scientific events, including a
  list of workshops previously arranged by any members of the proposed
  organizing committee, if any.

* The Advertising procedure: How do the committee members plan
  to advertise their workshop

* A brief description of how the proposed workshop could complement
  the four main conferences scopes.


The selection of the workshops to be included in the final OTM 2010
program will be based upon a number of factors, including:
the scientific/technical interest of the topics, the quality of the
proposal, the need to avoid strictly overlapping workshops, and the
unavoidable need to limit the overall number of selected workshops.


Workshop organizers will be responsible for the following:

* Making a Web site for the workshop to be located in the
  main web site http://www.onthemove-conferences.org
  (All the conferences and workshops MUST be located in this
  main web site)

* Advertising the workshop and issuing a call for participation/papers.

* Collecting submissions, notifying acceptances in due time, and
  ensuring a transparent and fair selection process. All workshop
  organizers commit themselves to adopt the same deadlines for
  submissions and notifications of acceptance.

* Ensuring that the workshop organizers and the participants get
  registered to the workshop and are invited to register to the main

* At least one PC co-chair per OTM Workshop MUST be registered and
  present for the whole event.

OTM'10 reserves the right to cancel any workshop if the above
responsibilities are not fulfilled or if too few attendees register
for the workshop.

Papers accepted by the workshops are likely to be published as a joint
volume of Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) by Springer.

We look forward to your support in making OTM’10 workshops the most
exciting one.

Send proposals (in ASCII/PS/PDF/DOC format) and inquiries via email to:
Pilar Herrero (pherrero@fi.upm.es)
using "OTM Workshop Proposal Submission" as the email subject.

******** Deadline: Monday, March 15, 2010 ************

Gonzalo Méndez Pozo

Received on Monday, 8 March 2010 10:39:29 UTC