Re: [pedantic-web] Corrections to recent HCLS notes and SWAN ontology

Hi Simon,

On 23 Oct 2009, at 19:05, Simon Reinhardt wrote:

> Hello,
> I have some corrections and remarks on the new HCLS notes [1][2] as  
> well as the SWAN ontology.
> First of all the Turtle code has some errors in both of the  
> documents. The prefixes at the beginning of each block are defined  
> in SPARQL syntax ("PREFIX blah: <uri...>") however the syntax for  
> Turtle is different. It should be "@prefix blah:  
> <uri...> ." (trailing dot!).

Thanks, well spotted.
I fixed that in svn, I'll see if the W3C team if the published note  
can be updated.

> Then in [2], section 5.2 you write URIs as literals several times.  
> This happens with the predicates  
> swanci:contributionPublicationEnvironment,  
> swanci:contributionPublisher, swanpav:importedFromSource,  
> swanci:publishedBy and owl:sameAs. And inspecting the SWAN  
> ontologies all those are object properties, so the values really  
> shouldn't be literals.

I fixed that as well - will also check for republishing.

> Also this document randomly switches to RDF/XML for one block of  
> syntax in section 6 while the next block below is Turtle again. Any  
> particular reason for that? I think that's rather confusing for the  
> reader.
> Concerning the SWAN ontologies themselves I noticed that the  
> namespaces stated in [2], section 1.3, don't resolve to anything. I  
> would expect that when accessing those URIs I get redirected to the  
> particular ontology document (and, since you use namespace URIs  
> ending in / I would also expect any term URI built from that to  
> redirect to its ontology). Instead they redirect to URIs like 
>  which return a 404.

We were indeed aware of that, and asked the sysadmin to fix it.
Paolo, do you know the current status of the redirect ?

> Going through the SWAN ontology site [3] I can reach the OWL files,  
> however when inspecting them I notice that they don't actually use  
> the PURL namespaces from [2]. Instead they use the URIs those  
> redirect to directly - so all URIs of the terms defined in there  
> don't match the URIs of the terms in the W3C document. The HTML  
> specs provided on the SWAN site also declare those to be the  
> namespace URIs and not the PURL ones.
> Finally, all OWL documents appear to be served with MIME type text/ 
> xml instead of application/rdf+xml so RDF or OWL tools might not  
> recognise them properly.

Might be also something that can be fixed by the sysadmins from the  
swan server ?



> Regards,
> Simon Reinhardt
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]

Dr. Alexandre Passant
Digital Enterprise Research Institute
National University of Ireland, Galway
:me owl:sameAs <> .

Received on Friday, 23 October 2009 19:25:34 UTC