- From: Simon Reinhardt <simon.reinhardt@koeln.de>
- Date: Fri, 23 Oct 2009 20:05:08 +0200
- To: public-semweb-lifesci@w3.org
- CC: pedantic-web@googlegroups.com
Hello, I have some corrections and remarks on the new HCLS notes [1][2] as well as the SWAN ontology. First of all the Turtle code has some errors in both of the documents. The prefixes at the beginning of each block are defined in SPARQL syntax ("PREFIX blah: <uri...>") however the syntax for Turtle is different. It should be "@prefix blah: <uri...> ." (trailing dot!). Then in [2], section 5.2 you write URIs as literals several times. This happens with the predicates swanci:contributionPublicationEnvironment, swanci:contributionPublisher, swanpav:importedFromSource, swanci:publishedBy and owl:sameAs. And inspecting the SWAN ontologies all those are object properties, so the values really shouldn't be literals. Also this document randomly switches to RDF/XML for one block of syntax in section 6 while the next block below is Turtle again. Any particular reason for that? I think that's rather confusing for the reader. Concerning the SWAN ontologies themselves I noticed that the namespaces stated in [2], section 1.3, don't resolve to anything. I would expect that when accessing those URIs I get redirected to the particular ontology document (and, since you use namespace URIs ending in / I would also expect any term URI built from that to redirect to its ontology). Instead they redirect to URIs like http://swan.mindinformatics.org/ontologies/1.2/discourse-elements/ which return a 404. Going through the SWAN ontology site [3] I can reach the OWL files, however when inspecting them I notice that they don't actually use the PURL namespaces from [2]. Instead they use the URIs those redirect to directly - so all URIs of the terms defined in there don't match the URIs of the terms in the W3C document. The HTML specs provided on the SWAN site also declare those to be the namespace URIs and not the PURL ones. Finally, all OWL documents appear to be served with MIME type text/xml instead of application/rdf+xml so RDF or OWL tools might not recognise them properly. Regards, Simon Reinhardt [1] http://www.w3.org/TR/2009/NOTE-hcls-sioc-20091020/ [2] http://www.w3.org/TR/2009/NOTE-hcls-swan-20091020/ [3] http://swan.mindinformatics.org/ontology.html
Received on Friday, 23 October 2009 18:05:48 UTC