Re: Can RDFa be used on XML: pharma information

Egon Willighagen wrote:
> Namespace... to solve this, you could do instead:
> <my:book xhtml:about="urn:ISBN:0091808189" xhtml:typeof="biblio:book"
>           xhtml:property="dc:title">
>      Canteen Cuisine
> </my:book>
> where the prefix xhtml would be bound to the namespace belonging to

In XML namespaces, an attribute with no qualifier is in no namespace. 
Does the RDF community work things so that you can detach any attribute 
with non namespace and re-use it with its element's namespace/prefix?

Are you saying that  a generic RDFa  processor would actually be looking 
for     xhtml:*/@property  and would not understand  */@property?   Or 
are you saying that a generic RDFa processor would  also accept  

Rick Jelliffe

Received on Tuesday, 23 June 2009 13:55:02 UTC