Re: Can RDFa be used on XML: pharma information

On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 3:22 PM, Rick Jelliffe<> wrote:
> Yes, we lose the  html:base element and html:link, but why would we lose the
> predicates?   @rel and @rev would presumably be available on any element:
> couldn't it be used so that instead of
> <div about="">
>  <span property="foaf:name">Albert Einstein</span>
>  <span property="dbp:dateOfBirth" datatype="xsd:date">1879-03-14</span>
>  <div rel="dbp:birthPlace" resource="">
>   <span property="dbp:conventionalLongName">Federal Republic of
> Germany</span>
>  </div>
> </div>
> I can have
> <person about="">

Sure, but just remember that for a computer the second about is an
attribute in another namespace... which implies different semantics...

Moreover, it can potentionally invalidate your XML file, as the DTD or
XML Schema or Relax NG would not define that attribute for that


> It seems to me that where-ever RDFa does not rely on HTML semantics, it
> "should" be free (there is no conceptual impediment) to use on XML: it can
> certainly determine whether an XML element has a legit XMLliteral or mixed
> or element content.

Yes, you are free to update the definition of your XML to do this.

>> Because the XML is using a local namespace, it will be unrecognizable
>> for any client... however, given you define those attributes (or via
>> new elements), you should be able to embed this RDFa in the HTML more
>> easily too...
> What is the necessary difference, for an RDFa engine, between
> <span about="urn:ISBN:0091808189" typeof="biblio:book"
>          property="dc:title">
>     Canteen Cuisine
> </span>
> and
> <my:book about="urn:ISBN:0091808189" typeof="biblio:book"
>          property="dc:title">
>     Canteen Cuisine
> </my:book>

Namespace... to solve this, you could do instead:

<my:book xhtml:about="urn:ISBN:0091808189" xhtml:typeof="biblio:book"
     Canteen Cuisine

where the prefix xhtml would be bound to the namespace belonging to


Post-doc @ Uppsala University

Received on Tuesday, 23 June 2009 13:30:16 UTC