My apologies for Thursday

Dear coleague,

First, a happy new year to you!

Unfortunately, Thursday's telcon coincides exactly with another telcon 
by the UK e-Science All Hands Meeting Foundation. I joined this 
foundation last year. These telcons are less frequent, so I decided to 
join that. The foundation organises the annual UK e-Science All Hands 
Meeting, next one in December.

Speaking of this AHM telcon, if you have suggestions for the All Hands 
Meeting, I would be pleased to bring them forward at the meeting. Apart 
from the planning of the upcoming meetings (December 2009, September 
2010), funding/sponsorship, evolution of the role and format of AHM, and 
industry engagement are on the agenda.

Some more background:
The AHM has a distinguishing focus on providing an opportunity for 
practitioners and developers of e-Science to meet and talk, apart from 
traditional presentations and demonstrations. As far as I know, it was 
originally born out of the large UK e-Science initiative a couple of 
years ago. The meeting is also very international. I have been asked to 
join the foundation to help increase the cross-disciplinary character of 
the meeting and its international outreach.

Again, my apologies and thanks for suggestions,


Marco Roos
Faculty of Science
University of Amsterdam
Kruislaan 403, room F1.02
1098 SJ Amsterdam
tel. +31 (0) 20 525 7522 (includes links to social networks)
Note the change of e-mail address to

Received on Wednesday, 7 January 2009 13:56:23 UTC