- From: Kei Cheung <kei.cheung@yale.edu>
- Date: Sun, 09 Nov 2008 22:30:55 -0500
- To: "Maged N.K. Boulos" <mnkboulos@gmail.com>
- CC: public-semweb-lifesci@w3.org
Hi Maged, Thanks for sharing the paper. It's very interesting work incorporating analysis and visualization into wiki. I also found the following demo video: http://graphics.stanford.edu/projects/vispedia/vispedia-trailer-tr.mov Just for fun, I searched for "Alzheimer" in Wikipedia and it brought me to the Alzeihmer's disease page. In the Epidemiology section, there is a table listing AD incidence rates after 65 years of age. I used vispedia to visualize this table and create the following scatter plot: http://vispedia.stanford.edu/vis/353/Scatterplot#/?cp0=0&f0=Age&cp1=0&f1=Incidence%20(new%20affected)%20%20per%20thousand%20%20person%C3%A2%C2%80%C2%93years&cp2=0&f2=&cp3=0&f3=&cp4=0&f4= Cheers, -Kei Maged N.K. Boulos wrote: > Given the recent interests of some members of this list in Wiki > applications like WikiNeuron and novel information visualization > techniques, this paper might prove useful and inspiring: > Chan B, Wu L, Talbot J, Cammarano M, Hanrahan P. > <http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18988966?ordinalpos=1&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_DefaultReportPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum> > > *Vispedia: Interactive Visual Exploration of Wikipedia Data via > Search-Based Integration*. > /IEEE Trans Vis Comput Graph/. 2008 November-December;14(6):1213-1220. > > Stanford University. > > Wikipedia is an example of the collaborative, semi-structured data > sets emerging on the Web. These data sets have large, non-uniform > schema that require costly data integration into structured tables > before visualization can begin. We present Vispedia, a Web-based > visualization system that reduces the cost of this data > integration.
Users can browse Wikipedia, select an interesting > data table, then use a search interface to discover, integrate, and > visualize additional columns of data drawn from multiple Wikipedia > articles. This interaction is supported by a fast path search > algorithm over DBpedia, a semantic graph extracted from Wikipedia's > hyperlink structure. Vispedia can also export the augmented data > tables produced for use in traditional visualization systems. We > believe that these techniques begin to address the "long tail" of > visualization by allowing a wider audience to visualize a broader > class of data. We evaluated this system in a first-use formative lab > study. Study participants were able to quickly create effective > visualizations for a diverse set of domains, performing data > integration as needed.
 > > PMID: 18988966 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher] >
Received on Monday, 10 November 2008 03:31:42 UTC