Re: [COI] Clinical Observations Interoperability Telcon January 15 2008


I was responding to Helen's request for information about  "a good  
ontology version of RIM/CDA"

I think Alan Rector's paper is still relevant to your use case. My  
understanding is that, in his view,  HL7/RIM/CDA are *information  
model* constructs that use *terminology codes*  that are induced/have  
bindings from ontology or *model of reality" things. So if you are  
modeling eligibility criteria using HL7RIM/CDA, most of the items in  
your spreadsheets are terminology codes, not entities in an ontology.

There are so many ways to model eligibility criteria.  I am not sure I  
understand "filling this table with HL7/RIM/CDA constructs." The RIM  
Acts have criterion mood. So an eligibility criterion involving "Serum  
Creatine," for example, can be an Observation Act in criterion mood  
with code = a terminology code for Serum Creatinine and value = an  
interval of Physical Quantity (and maybe effectiveTime to express  
temporal constraint. Presumably Tom Marley's OWL ITS of the HL7 RIM  
would give you such a RIM construct the criterion in OWL syntax.  
(Alternatively, you can use GELLO to write the criterion). Using OWL  
expressions to model eligibility criteria is another matter. I  
apologize if these comments reflect my ignorance about what you are  
doing.  I am not familiar with prior discussions about the spreadsheet.

On Jan 16, 2008, at 8:18 PM, Kashyap, Vipul wrote:

> Samson,
> Thanks for the pointer. Our use case is different, we are more  
> interested in using HL7/RIM constructs
> to model eligibility criteria for some diabetes related clinical  
> protocols.
> An initial attempt at doing this is available at:
> It will be great if you could help us in filling out this table  
> using HL7/RIM/CDA constructs.
> Thanks!
> ---Vipul
> From: Samson Tu []
> Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2008 4:57 PM
> To:
> Cc: Kashyap, Vipul;
> Subject: Re: [COI] Clinical Observations Interoperability Telcon  
> January 15 2008
> Tom Marley and Alan Rector, under a consultancy contract with NHS  
> CfH, have successfully encoded a significant subset of HL7 RIM and  
> NHS messages and message fragments in OWL. According to [1], Tom  
> Marley is preparing an OWL ITS of the HL7 RIM and data types based  
> on this work. A conference paper describing this work generically is  
> available at [2].
> [1]
> [2]
> Samson
> wrote:
>> Vipul and all
>> Sorry I will not be able to dial in today due to a time conflict.
>> I started to put up a wiki to examine some previous effort on  
>> converting RIM/CDA  to RDF/OWL for semantic web reasoning.  The  
>> page is here
>> I will add more content later this afternoon.   Please feel free to  
>> add links if you know a good ontology version of RIM/CDA.
>> Regards.
>> Helen
> -- 
> Samson Tu                                   email:
> Senior Research Scientist                   web: 
> ~swt/
> Center for Biomedical Informatics Research  phone: 1-650-725-3391
> Stanford University                         fax: 1-650-725-7944
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Received on Thursday, 17 January 2008 17:55:32 UTC