[hcls] The Bibliographic Ontology Specification Group

I want to bring an initiative to your attention that should be of interest to many of the participants of the HCLS: The "Bibliographic Ontology Specification Group". As I have already summarized on a ESW Wiki page [1], we are currently lacking a common way for representing bibliographic information, and this is a highly undesirable state -- references to publications and authorship information are fundamental to scientific discourse. The newly founded Bibliographic Ontology Specification Group has the goal of creating a unified ontology that would solve this problem.
There is very generic website [2] and a Google Group [3] available at the moment. 

I think a cooperation of some interested members of the HCLSIG and this initiative could be of benefit to all involved parties.

-- Matthias Samwald

[1] http://esw.w3.org/topic/HCLS/HCLSIG_BibliographicInformation
[2] http://bibliontology.com/
[3] http://groups.google.com/group/bibliographic-ontology-specification-group

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Received on Tuesday, 15 May 2007 00:20:07 UTC