local hcls discussion group at WWW2007 Banff

For those of you at Banff this week, we decided at the end of the  
HCLS workshop (congratulations to Kei and his group!) we would try to  
have an informal gathering here to discuss a few hot-topic issues  

* converging/coordinating RDFizer activities
* identifying what it would take to move toward common data URIs,  
including reaching out to some data authorities
* sharing and comparing some core life sciences semantics already  
defined in projects (protein, publications, diseases, pathways, etc)

I would suggest if you are interested in participating, we meet up  
after the demo (noon lunch) on Thursday at the Rundle Room (lounge  
bar with pretty view). Just drop by if you are interested in helping  
out in any of the above issues...


Received on Wednesday, 9 May 2007 15:58:00 UTC