Re: SfN meeting submission

I agree completely, Kei.

Don - do you want me to set up a Google Doc for this?  If you've  
already got a Word version, this can be directly imported.  Google  
Doc can import the following word proc. docs:
	Microsoft Word (.doc), Rich Text (.rtf), OpenDocument Text (.odt)  
and StarOffice (.sxw).

If you have a Google Doc account, you can also send the doc to Google  
Docs as an email attachment (they give you a specific email to send  
it to), and Google Doc will set up the document.


On May 4, 2007, at 12:14 PM, Kei Cheung wrote:

> Hi Bill et al,
> Google doc would also be fine if people agree. Thanks for taking  
> the initiative to set it up. In my opinion, it would be important  
> to continue working with the current group of people (e.g., Alan,  
> June, Gwen, Huajun, ... if they are willing to continue to involve)  
> who've been working on the current use case/demo to help extend  
> future work, while new people can be recruited if there is a fit.  
> Just my two-cent thought. I have to go, as I need to prepare for my  
> WWW2007 workshop ...
> Best,
> -Kei
> William Bug wrote:
>> Hi Don, Kei, John, Matthias, et al.,
>> Kudos to us all.  I realize what a crunch folks preparing for next  
>> week's demo are under, but this is an important aspect of  
>> amortizing the FANTASTIC EFFORT so many have invested in this.
>> I'd suggest a Google Doc, Don.  It's really the easiest way to go  
>> by far.  Anything else - passing around a Word file or culling/ 
>> integrating copy from a Wiki are much more labor intensive.  I've  
>> been using Google Docs more and more since we did the work last  
>> Nov/Dec. on the earlier HCLS manuscript, and it's definitely been  
>> greasing the wheels on these sorts of far reaching, collaborative  
>> manuscripts.  I'd be glad to set it up - or help you set it up -  
>> if you like.  I've done this for several recent manuscripts, so  
>> I've got the "gotchas" pretty well worked out.
>> Re: the content - remember - for the abstract - it's just text and  
>> very little of that.  I'd recommend the goal should be to take  
>> whatever we already have describing the demo and re-tool that for  
>> a neuroscientist/neuroinformaticist audience.
>> Matthias had an excellent suggestion for a figure - which will be  
>> just what we want for the result poster, but that won't be needed  
>> until late October.  By then, if there's sufficient data, we'll be  
>> able to use the FANTASTIC tool Alan R. had recommended - Vizster  
>> ( - to create a very impressive  
>> visualization for the poster!
>> Just my unsolicited $0.02 - as always.
>> Cheers,
>> Bill
>> On May 4, 2007, at 10:23 AM, Kei Cheung wrote:
>>> Hi John, Don, Matthias, Bill, Mark , et al.,
>>> It sounds like the group has an increasing interest, enthusiasm,  
>>> commitment, and support to submit an abstract to SfN. If there is  
>>> no objection, let's go for it.
>>> Don, thanks for taking the lead on this. Is the deadline May 15?  
>>> Some people will be away next week for WWW2007. You might want to  
>>> consider creating a wiki page so that people who have been  
>>> involved in the demo (use case, data conversion,  
>>> coordination ...) can participate (just my personal suggestion).  
>>> Please let me know what I can do to help. I'll try to see if I  
>>> can go to SfN this year as the SenseLab group was invited to give  
>>> a demo at the INCF booth (International Neuroinformatics  
>>> Coordinating Facility). I'll try to talk to Gordon to see if we  
>>> can include a semantic web related demo there ...
>>> Best,
>>> -Kei
>>> <> wrote:
>>>> hi don,
>>>> Works for me as well, and I'll be glad to help anyway I can.
>>>> thanks,
>>>> jb
>>>> Date:  Thu, 3 May 2007 17:00:09 -0400 From:  William Bug  
>>>> < <>>  
>>>> To:  public-semweb-lifesci hcls <  
>>>> <>> Subject:  Re: SfN meeting  
>>>> submission Quoting William Bug <  
>>>> <>>:
>>>>> Hi Don,
>>>>> This works for me.
>>>>> In regards to the suggestion Mark made, I think some of his   
>>>>> suggestions sound very practical.  I'd be glad to participate -  
>>>>> or  not - depending on the need and intended outcome.
>>>>> With this in mind, if you'd like someone to vet what you work  
>>>>> up - or  work with you on it, Don - I'd be glad to do that.
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Bill
>>>>> On May 3, 2007, at 1:06 PM, Donald Doherty wrote:
>>>>>> Here's my proposal:
>>>>>> I write a quick rough draft and send a copy to all interested  
>>>>>> parties.
>>>>>> People actually contributing to the writing should mostly be   
>>>>>> neuroscientists
>>>>>> but of course include input from the rest.
>>>>>> Then I'll take all of the input and work up a revised abstract  
>>>>>> and  send it
>>>>>> back out to all interested parties for further feedback.
>>>>>> Repeat until everyone is happy and/or we run out of time. Then  
>>>>>> we  decide to
>>>>>> submit or not.
>>>>>> About authors, here is the Neuroscience community standard.  
>>>>>> First  author is
>>>>>> usually the graduate student and last author is usually the  
>>>>>> principal
>>>>>> investigator.
>>>>>> Submitter must be first if I take this on everyone  
>>>>>> must be
>>>>>> comfortable with me being the grad student :^). We should  
>>>>>> probably  put the
>>>>>> person who put the most sweat into the demo as last author.
>>>>>> Hopefully the author issue won't be too divisive since this  
>>>>>> is  simply an
>>>>>> abstract. The important thing is that everyone is acknowledged.
>>>>>> Of highest importance is that the demo gets in front of the   
>>>>>> neuroscience
>>>>>> community at their biggest meeting.
>>>>>> What do you think?
>>>>>> Don
>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>> From: <mailto:public- 
>>>>>> [] On Behalf Of Kei  
>>>>>> Cheung
>>>>>> Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2007 12:19 PM
>>>>>> To: William Bug
>>>>>> Cc: public-semweb-lifesci hcls
>>>>>> Subject: Re: SfN meeting submission
>>>>>> Hi Bill et al.,
>>>>>> I agree that it's important to make our SW/Neuro demo visible  
>>>>>> to the
>>>>>> neuroscience community. For example, I have asked Gordon  
>>>>>> Shepherd  (PI of
>>>>>> SenseLab) to look at the AD use case written by June, Gwen, et  
>>>>>> al  to see
>>>>>> if any comments/suggestions can be made. It would be great if  
>>>>>> we  can get
>>>>>> more neuroscientists involved to help make our work more   
>>>>>> scientifically
>>>>>> relevant. I believe this would also help make SW  
>>>>>> technologically  credible.
>>>>>> Regarding the SfN abstract, my concern is that we might not be  
>>>>>> able to
>>>>>> meet the deadline given that people are currently busy  
>>>>>> preparing  for the
>>>>>> upcoming demo at WWW2007 next week. In addition to what to  
>>>>>> write  and how
>>>>>> to write it (it probably won't take long for an abstract),  we  
>>>>>> need to
>>>>>> discuss how the author list should appear. All these may take  
>>>>>> some  time
>>>>>> to resolve as part of the community process, but we'd better  
>>>>>> start
>>>>>> thinking/discussing about it soon ...
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> -Kei
>>>>>> William Bug wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Don, Matthias, John, Kei, et al.,
>>>>>>> I too would like to contribute to an SfN abstract in this  
>>>>>>> context.
>>>>>>> I believe given the domain HCLS IG is covering -  
>>>>>>> neurodegenerative
>>>>>>> disease - despite the lack of a full, refereed article, this  
>>>>>>> is a  very
>>>>>>> important venue in which to present, in order to help bolster  
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> relevance and credibility of this effort to the general  
>>>>>>> neuroscience
>>>>>>> community.  With a working demo, it would be a shame NOT to  
>>>>>>> have it
>>>>>>> represented at the SfN meeting.
>>>>>>> We could also look to use such an abstract as starting  
>>>>>>> material for a
>>>>>>> full submission to journals that cover neuroinformatics such as
>>>>>>> Neuroinformatics, PLoS Computational Biology, or Journal of
>>>>>>> Computational Neuroscience.
>>>>>>> In regards to relevant neuroscience meetings, there are also the
>>>>>>> meetings hosted by:
>>>>>>> Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS):
>>>>>>> International Brain Research Organization (IBRO):
>>>>>>> The Japan Neuroscience Society
>>>>>>> Federation of Asian and Oceanian Neuroscience Societies (FAONS)
>>>>>>> I'm not certain what the deadlines are for the associated  
>>>>>>> meetings.
>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>> Bill
>>>>>>> On May 2, 2007, at 11:51 AM, Donald Doherty wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Matthias,
>>>>>>>> That'd be great! SfN abstracts are brief (max. 2300  
>>>>>>>> characters  including
>>>>>>>> punctuation!) so focusing on the value to neuroscientists  
>>>>>>>> sounds  like the
>>>>>>>> right course.
>>>>>>>> Abstract may be presented or posters. Slide presentations  
>>>>>>>> are  kept very
>>>>>>>> brief and there is so much going on most people won't see a
>>>>>>>> particular slide
>>>>>>>> presentation. Even if we indicate our preference for a  
>>>>>>>> slide  presentation
>>>>>>>> it's likely we wouldn't get it.
>>>>>>>> If we do a poster it will be up half a day. We can bring our  
>>>>>>>> demo  machine
>>>>>>>> and set it up next to the poster. (I've seen BIRN and others  
>>>>>>>> do  this.
>>>>>>>> Wireless is generally available.) I think this is the  
>>>>>>>> preferred mode
>>>>>>>> for us.
>>>>>>>> There is also a $75 submission fee.
>>>>>>>> I'm willing to take responsibility for paying the submission  
>>>>>>>> fee,  getting
>>>>>>>> the poster up, staying there while it's up, and working the  
>>>>>>>> demo as
>>>>>>>> long as
>>>>>>>> everyone is interested in doing this and a demo machine will be
>>>>>>>> available.
>>>>>>>> We won't get a paper out of it but I think it's worthwhile  
>>>>>>>> to  expose the
>>>>>>>> end-user community (neuroscientists) to the value the  
>>>>>>>> Semantic Web
>>>>>>>> technologies may provide to them.
>>>>>>>> Best wishes,
>>>>>>>> Don
>>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>>> From: <mailto:public- 
>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>> [] On Behalf Of
>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2007 9:37 AM
>>>>>>>> To:  
>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>> <>; public-semweb- 
>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>> Subject: SfN meeting submission
>>>>>>>> Hi Don,
>>>>>>>> I would help with the abstract for SfN where I can, of  
>>>>>>>> course. I  guess it
>>>>>>>> should be even more focussed on the requirements and use  
>>>>>>>> cases in
>>>>>>>> Neuroscience than the BMC Bioinformatics paper. Mainly a  
>>>>>>>> description
>>>>>>>> of the
>>>>>>>> collaborating neuroscience groups, their motivation and the  
>>>>>>>> types of
>>>>>>>> information that we are integrating, and less about the  
>>>>>>>> technical
>>>>>>>> details.
>>>>>>>> I guess it is much too late to start writing a group paper  
>>>>>>>> for  the ISMB
>>>>>>>> workshop now. A poster abstract would be possible, but I  
>>>>>>>> think we
>>>>>>>> don't want
>>>>>>>> to present a poster.
>>>>>>>> cheers,
>>>>>>>> Matthias
>>>>>>>>> This year's Society for Neuroscience meeting abstracts are  
>>>>>>>>> due  May 15th.
>>>>>>>>> I'd
>>>>>>>>> like to take the lead on submitting an abstract if the team is
>>>>>>>>> interested.
>>>>>>>>> Don
>>>>>>>>> P.S. This year's meeting is November 3-7 in San Diego,  
>>>>>>>>> California.
>>>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>>>> From: <mailto:public- 
>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>> [] On Behalf Of  
>>>>>>>>> Alan
>>>>>>>>> Ruttenberg
>>>>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2007 12:57 AM
>>>>>>>>> To: <mailto:public-semweb-  
>>>>>>>>> <>>
>>>>>>>>> Subject: ISMB Bio-Ontologies Meeting
>>>>>>>>> I forget, was someone submitting an abstract about our work  
>>>>>>>>> to this
>>>>>>>>> workshop?
>>>>>>>>> -Alan
>>>>>>>>> On Apr 26, 2007, at 1:18 PM, Susanna wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> ** Apologies for cross posting **CALL FOR PAPERS and POSTER
>>>>>>>>>> ABSTRACTS (Deadline May 1st)
>>>>>>>>>> Proceedings in BMC Bioinformatics
>>>>>>>>>> *^**^***^****^****^****^****^****^****^****^****^****^*****^* 
>>>>>>>>>> *^*** ^**
>>>>>>>>>> Bio-Ontologies SIG Workshop
>>>>>>>>>> Vienna, Austria: July 20 2007
>>>>>>>>>> "Bio-Ontologies: ten years past and looking to the future"
>>>>>>>>>> *^**^***^****^****^****^****^****^****^****^****^****^*****^* 
>>>>>>>>>> *^*** ^**
>>>>>>>>>> 15th ISMB & 6th ECCB Vienna, Austria: July 18-25, 2007
>>>>>>>>>> CALL FOR PAPERS and POSTER ABSTRACTS (Deadline May 1st)
>>>>>>>>>> Proceedings in BMC Bioinformatics
>>>>>>>>>> The long-standing ISMB Bio-Ontologies SIG is in its tenth
>>>>>>>>>> consecutive year. This year the workshop will have a  
>>>>>>>>>> celebratory
>>>>>>>>>> and reflective discussion on "Bio-Ontologies: ten years  
>>>>>>>>>> past and
>>>>>>>>>> looking to the future".
>>>>>>>>>> PROGRAM CHAIRS:
>>>>>>>>>> Robert Stevens (1), Phillip Lord (2), Robin McEntire (3),  
>>>>>>>>>> Susanna-
>>>>>>>>>> A. Sansone (4)
>>>>>>>>>> 1.    School of Computer Science, University of  
>>>>>>>>>> Manchester, UK
>>>>>>>>>> 2.    School of Computing Science, University of  
>>>>>>>>>> Newcastle, UK
>>>>>>>>>> 3.    GlaxoSmithKline, USA
>>>>>>>>>> 4.    EMBL-EBI The European Bioinformatics Institute,   
>>>>>>>>>> Cambridge, UK
>>>>>>>>>> WEBSITES:
>>>>>>>>>> Bio-Ontologies SIG workshop:
>>>>>>>>>> ISMB & ECCB main conference website  
>>>>>>>>>> ismbeccb2007
>>>>>>>>>> The workshop will continue offer an informal environment for
>>>>>>>>>> presentation and discussion of ontologies and their role in
>>>>>>>>>> providing a mechanism for organising, sharing and  
>>>>>>>>>> reconciling  data.
>>>>>>>>>> This year, to celebrate its tenth anniversary, we have  
>>>>>>>>>> invited  four
>>>>>>>>>> presenters from the first bio-ontologies tutorial and meeting
>>>>>>>>>> organisers to sit on a panel, namely: Mark Musen, Peter  
>>>>>>>>>> Karp, Russ
>>>>>>>>>> Altman and Steffen Schulze-Kremer
>>>>>>>>>> They will be asked to present positions on the following   
>>>>>>>>>> questions:
>>>>>>>>>> 1. What has been the best thing to have happened in bio- 
>>>>>>>>>> ontologies
>>>>>>>>>> in the past ten years?
>>>>>>>>>> 2. What has been the worst thing to have happened in bio-  
>>>>>>>>>> ontologies
>>>>>>>>>> in the past ten years?
>>>>>>>>>> 3. How must bio-ontologies progress in the next ten years?
>>>>>>>>>> 4. How must bio-ontologies not progress in the next ten years
>>>>>>>>>> We are inviting two types of submissions SHORT PAPER  
>>>>>>>>>> papers (up to
>>>>>>>>>> 4 pages) and POSTER ABSTRACT (up to 1/2 page) from any  
>>>>>>>>>> aspect  doing
>>>>>>>>>> bio-ontology research or using bio-ontologies to do  
>>>>>>>>>> bioinformatics
>>>>>>>>>> research. Topics include, but are not restricted to:
>>>>>>>>>> - Biological Applications of Ontologies
>>>>>>>>>> - Reports on Newly Developed or Existing Bio-Ontologies
>>>>>>>>>> - Tools for Developing Ontologies
>>>>>>>>>> - Use of Ontologies in Data Communication Standards
>>>>>>>>>> - Use of Semantic Web technologies in Bioinformatics
>>>>>>>>>> - The implications of Bio-Ontologies or the Semantic Web  
>>>>>>>>>> for the
>>>>>>>>>> drug discovery process
>>>>>>>>>> - Current Research In Ontology Languages and its  
>>>>>>>>>> implication for
>>>>>>>>>> Bio-Ontologies
>>>>>>>>>> Abstracts will be reviewed by the Program Committee,  
>>>>>>>>>> including the
>>>>>>>>>> Program Chairs and additionally: David Benton, Suzanna  
>>>>>>>>>> Lewis,  Chris
>>>>>>>>>> Mungall and Alan Ruttenberg.
>>>>>>>>>> The Programme Committee will also select those papers,  
>>>>>>>>>> which are
>>>>>>>>>> suitable for further publication in a BMC Bioinformatics
>>>>>>>>>> Supplement. Authors will be invited to resubmit full papers.
>>>>>>>>>> DEADLINES
>>>>>>>>>> Submissions due: May 1st 2007
>>>>>>>>>> Notification of acceptance: May 21st 2007
>>>>>>>>>> Final versions due: May 31st 2007
>>>>>>>>>> Workshop: July 20th 2007
>>>>>>>>>> -- Susanna-Assunta Sansone, PhD NET Project - Coordinator  
>>>>>>>>>> < 
>>>>>>>>>> project> The
>>>>>>>>>> European Bioinformatics Institute
>>>>>>>>>> email: <> EMBL   
>>>>>>>>>> Outstation
>>>>>>>>>> - Hinxton direct: +44 (0)
>>>>>>>>>> 1223 494 691 Wellcome Trust Genome Campus fax: +44 (0)1223  
>>>>>>>>>> 494 468
>>>>>>>>>> Cambridge CB10 1SD, UK room: A229
>>>>>>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------- 
>>>>>>>>>> ----- ----
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>>>>>>>>>> Download DB2 Express C - the FREE version of DB2 express  
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>>>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>>>> "Feel free" - 10 GB Mailbox, 100 FreeSMS/Monat ...
>>>>>>>> Jetzt GMX TopMail testen:
>>>>>>> Bill Bug
>>>>>>> Senior Research Analyst/Ontological Engineer
>>>>>>> Laboratory for Bioimaging  & Anatomical Informatics
>>>>>>> Department of Neurobiology & Anatomy
>>>>>>> Drexel University College of Medicine
>>>>>>> 2900 Queen Lane
>>>>>>> Philadelphia, PA    19129
>>>>>>> 215 991 8430 (ph)
>>>>>>> 610 457 0443 (mobile)
>>>>>>> 215 843 9367 (fax)
>>>>>>> Please Note: I now have a new email -  
>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>> <>
>>>>> Bill Bug
>>>>> Senior Research Analyst/Ontological Engineer
>>>>> Laboratory for Bioimaging  & Anatomical Informatics
>>>>> Department of Neurobiology & Anatomy
>>>>> Drexel University College of Medicine
>>>>> 2900 Queen Lane
>>>>> Philadelphia, PA    19129
>>>>> 215 991 8430 (ph)
>>>>> 610 457 0443 (mobile)
>>>>> 215 843 9367 (fax)
>>>>> Please Note: I now have a new email -  
>>>>> <>
>> Bill Bug
>> Senior Research Analyst/Ontological Engineer
>> Laboratory for Bioimaging  & Anatomical Informatics
>> Department of Neurobiology & Anatomy
>> Drexel University College of Medicine
>> 2900 Queen Lane
>> Philadelphia, PA    19129
>> 215 991 8430 (ph)
>> 610 457 0443 (mobile)
>> 215 843 9367 (fax)
>> Please Note: I now have a new email -  
>> <>

Bill Bug
Senior Research Analyst/Ontological Engineer

Laboratory for Bioimaging  & Anatomical Informatics
Department of Neurobiology & Anatomy
Drexel University College of Medicine
2900 Queen Lane
Philadelphia, PA    19129
215 991 8430 (ph)
610 457 0443 (mobile)
215 843 9367 (fax)

Please Note: I now have a new email -

Received on Saturday, 5 May 2007 09:35:32 UTC