Science Commons and the Google Summer of Code


 From Science Commons, Jonathan Rees and I have been accepted as  
mentors for Google’s Summer of Code, the deadline for which is  
rapidly approaching.
Selected students can earn $4,500 for working on an open source  
application for the summer

Our project suggestions (and those for all of Creative Commons) are  

Semantic Web for Science
Science Commons is using semantic web technologies to promote data  
accessibility and interoperability, so any project that makes the  
semantic web work better, especially for life scientists, is of  
interest. Examples:
implement computed properties for the Pellet OWL DL reasoner, with  
formulas expressed in Javascript
implement a macro system for OWL
implement an RDF library for the Scheme programming language
implement DL-Lite, an OWL subset designed to efficiently map to  
relational databases (see 
calv-etal-AAAI-2005.pdf )
develop a library of RDF exporters for important sources of  
biological data
Build a tool for optimizing access to particular RDF graphs, e.g. by  
synthesizing a relational schema inferred from the content of the  
graph and sample queries
Adapt OpenNLP, GATE, or other open source natural language processing  
system to mine the open literature for interesting biological  
entities (cell lines, antibodies, ...) and relationships, rendering  
the results as RDF or RDFa
Set up an open 'semantic wiki' for use by biologists: adapt an  
existing wiki implementation to add mechanisms for entry and/or  
deduction of entity identifications and relationships
Don't like any of our ideas? Suggest another one that helps further  
our mission to accelerate the scientific research cycle!

The application form is here: 

Drop us a note if you have any questions.


Alan Ruttenberg
Jonathan Rees

Received on Friday, 23 March 2007 05:32:18 UTC