Re: [HCLSIG Demo] Ontowiki as a GUI, SWAN, Neurocommons

> We have a free tool called COE which can display
> any OWL ontology graphically and has no trouble
> with class hierarchies. It also supports editing
> and composing ontologies in the graphical
> interface. You can get it from 
> I suggest reading the
> manual first.

Thanks for the link, this looks like a useful tool! I am installing it right now (and reading the manual).

However, I was mainly thinking about RDF browsers that can be accessed through a common web browser. So far all of the RDF browsers we have looked into have been integrated into the normal server / webbrowser architecture, so I was implying that. COE requires an installation.

> That seems like a very bad reason, frankly. OWL
> without classes isn't much more than RDF. Its not
> a question of being purist, but whether or not
> your ontologies will do anything when you give
> them to a reasoner.

Oh, I think you got me wrong here. I did not mean OWL without any classes, but with a certain ratio of classes to individuals. I prefer ontologies that have a certain set of classes (say 20 to 100) that act as a schema, and where most of the 'actual data' is expressed as individuals and the basic schema stays untouched. Still, you can do a lot of reasoning with such ontologies.

Matthias Samwald


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