Re: Notes from informal Demo F2F

We would indeed data rather than web pages in order to translate into  
RDF/OWL and integrate into our queries.
I'll contact you off-list to talk about possibilities.

On Mar 6, 2007, at 9:42 AM, Twigger Simon wrote:

> Dear All,
> I've been lurking on list for a while and saw this email and wanted  
> to chime in briefly. I have a few other suggestions for some of  
> your 'Other Resources' that we have at the Rat Genome Database. We  
> have rat genes annotated with the Mammalian Phenotype ontology,  
> along with a disease ontology derived from MeSH, GO and a pathway  
> ontology we've been putting together in house. We also pull in and  
> annotate genes from Rat, Mouse and Human where we can to try and  
> give a broader view from the three species.
> You can search any of the ontologies by starting here:
> The Alzheimer's entry via the disease ontology is here:
> term_key=54285&ontology=do
> For this area in particular we also have a Neurological Diseases  
> portal which gives a different view on the disease data:
> This data was derived from a focused curation effort looking at rat  
> genes involved in neurological diseases and then branching out to  
> include human and mouse data where available. Much of the human  
> data came from our curation, Mouse came from MGD.
> To get to the Alzheimer's entry you need to select:
> 1. Neurodegenerative Diseases for the disease category in drop down #1
> and then
> 2. Alzheimer Disease for the disease in drop down menu #2 (excuse  
> the typo in the menu's text)
> the page should then refresh giving you graphical views of genes  
> annotated to Alzheimer's in rat, human and mouse, tables of genes  
> from these three species and then a GO slim overview of the rat genes.
> If you need raw data instead of web pages or if we can help in any  
> other way, please let me know.
> Cheers,
> 	Simon.
> --
> Simon N. Twigger, Ph.D.
> Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology
> Medical College of Wisconsin
> 8701 Watertown Plank Road,
> Milwaukee, WI, USA
> tel: 414-456-8802
> fax: 414-456-6595
> AIM/iChat: simontatmcw
> On Mar 5, 2007, at 9:35 PM, Alan Ruttenberg wrote:
>> Summary:
>> We reviewed the use case, and then, starting in one area of the  
>> use case - the connection between ADDL and impairment of long term  
>> potentiation deficits - highlighted on page 2 of the updated use  
>> case [1] - and started to trace out a series of steps that lead  
>> towards determining relevant sets of gene  and then to images of  
>> expression of those genes. Along the way we reviewed web pages and  
>> databases to verify what information was available. We then  
>> collected a list of on line databases that would enable
>> the kinds of queries we were exploring.
>> [1] 
>> Alzheimer%27s_Proposal? 
>> action=AttachFile&do=get&target=AD_PDUseCase_02-26-07.pdf
>> Start:
>> Hypothesis+Abeta -> ADDL (SWAN. Note that these areas of SWAN are  
>> not yet populated but June and Gwen are working on this).
>> We attempted to linking ABeta to LTP, but this did not find the  
>> requisite links. What we did was:
>> Go to Search for  
>> "ltp" (could also search for "long term potentiation"
>> This is a text search, and the matches are typically against the  
>> titles of citations.
>> Each result links to a model, which lists some cell types, some  
>> receptor families, some transmitters.
>> We reviewed the receptors and searched for them in NeuronDB but  
>> did not find links to processes such as long term potentiation.
>> --- Starting over
>> Go to 
>> db=1&c=122&o=5904
>> Links from Alzheimer's disease to  CA1 Pyramidal Neuron
>> Click on CA1 Pyramidal Neuron
>> Link to 
>> ndbEavSum.asp?id=5588&mo=4&re=
>> CA1 Pyramidal Neuron Extracellular Elements : Abeta (current I A)
>> CA1 Pyramidal Neuron Intrinsic Currents : I A. Click on I A.
>> Links to K+
>> Need to know that current of K+ is carried by Potassium Channels.
>> However, even though some text indicates LTP, there is no explicit  
>> link. We do have a link from neurons of interest
>> to genes however, if we are able to look up proteins associated  
>> with potassium channel function.
>> Browse GO we do find these associations.
>> ---- Approach using LTP as a key from a different direction.
>> There is a mesh term
>> +Potentiation&field=entry
>> We can link to pubmed papers using mesh term headings.
>> CMD=search&DB=pubmed&term=Long-Term+Potentiation%5Bmh%5D&cmd
>> There is also Potassium Channel
>> +Channels&field=entry
>> and Pyramidal cells
>> +Cells&field=entry
>> So if we have a Pubmed -> Mesh mapping, we are able to use this to  
>> navigate from mesh term to mesh term,
>> for example, from LTP to cell types or to channel types.
>> This also requires that we have the MESH tree encoded. Note,  
>> however, that this MESH->MESH links are potentially unreliable
>> as they could be the product of unrelated discussions in the paper  
>> used to do the mapping.
>> --- From pubmed to genes.
>> We can also go from pubmed to gene. This is seen in the user  
>> interface via the "links" button on a pubmed abstract page.
>> e.g.
>> db=pubmed&cmd=Retrieve&dopt=AbstractPlus&list_uids=17251421&query_hl= 
>> 5&itool=pubmed_docsum
>> Choose links, then gene, then you get:
>> itool=pubmed_AbstractPlus&db=pubmed&cmd=Display&dopt=pubmed_gene&from 
>> _uid=17251421
>> The mapping of pubmed -> gene is not in the pubmed records, but is  
>> kept on the gene side.
>> There are entries in the Entrez gene asn or xml record, as well as  
>> the generifs, which associate a gene with a paper.
>> Along with the Gene ontology, we now have two ways to navigate  
>> from "Potassium channel" to gene.
>> -- From gene to brain region
>> We can get BrainRegion from gene in a number of ways:
>> Using expression data: The Allen Brain Map has, for a select group  
>> of regions and structures, lists of genes
>> expressed in those structures. Some of these are at:
>> Others can be scraped from the results of queries at http://brain- 
>> (click on the "Anatomic Search" tab)
>> (Alan has these)
>> Similarly, Gensat ( 
>> GENSAT-20050125.xml.gz) Has images associated with genes
>> and annotations that say which areas/cell types have which  
>> patterns of expressions of those genes.
>> (Alan has these)
>> --- From Cell type to brain region.
>> In addition to the mappings implicit in Gensat,
>> BAMS has mappings  
>> of cell types to brain regions
>> -- Another route for getting Alzheimer related genes:
>> We can also get from Alzheimer to gene via Alzgene
>> There is a popup of genes on 
>> alzgene/default.asp, which records
>> studies which find associations between mutations of these genes  
>> with Alzheimer disease.
>> --- Some other resources
>> We will want human to mouse gene mappings for better navigating  
>> from pubmed.
>> Available at: 
>> db=homologene
>> For linking gene to protein and protein products such as cleaved  
>> proteins, June has started curating these from various sources.
>> Uniprot has such mapping, it is only textual. See, e.g.,  http:// 
>> Look for the  
>> "contains" field.
>> Another resource for relating phenotype, process to genes is the  
>> JAX Mammalian Phenotype ontology/
>> Associated with each phenotype, are the alleles/genes associated  
>> with the phenotype.
>> For example, abnormal hippocampus function http:// 
>> page=mpAnnotSummary&id=MP:0001895
>> Gwen and Don will review the terms to see which would be relevant  
>> to processes associated with Alzheimers, and this gives us another
>> route to narrow/expand genes of interest.
>> Summarizing data sources which we will use for the next step of  
>> exploration. Some we have, some we need to acquire/convert to RDF.
>> Mesh
>> Pubmed -> Mesh Term
>> GO -> Associations (Genes)
>> Entrez Gene -> Pubmed
>> Entrez GeneRif (= gene->Pubmed)
>> NeuronDB/Brainpharm
>> Homologene
>> Alzgene (Alzheimer Disease -> Associated Gene)
>> JAX: Mouse Phenotpe -> Gene
>> Uniprot Gene-> splice form, gene product.
>> BAMS swanson-98.xml
>> Allen/Gensat gene->image, gene-> regions/expressed
>> Alan's comment: Process for conversion to RDF should be 2 step
>> 1) Propose model, give sample entry for review
>> 2) Upon agreement on model translate rests/load into triple store  
>> for query.
>> Action: Candidates for doing conversions: Alan, EricP, Matthias,  
>> Don(?) to talk and split tasks.
>> Action: Don and Gwen to review phenotypes
>> Action: June to curate trying to write pseudo-triples to make  
>> conversion to real triples easier.
>> -Alan

Received on Tuesday, 6 March 2007 14:51:15 UTC