- From: Alan Ruttenberg <alanruttenberg@gmail.com>
- Date: Sun, 4 Mar 2007 19:14:43 -0500
- To: "Nigam Shah" <nigam@stanford.edu>
- Cc: "'William Bug'" <William.Bug@drexelmed.edu>, "'Maryann Martone'" <maryann@ncmir.ucsd.edu>, "'kc28'" <kei.cheung@yale.edu>, "'June Kinoshita'" <junekino@media.mit.edu>, "'Donald Doherty'" <donald.doherty@brainstage.com>, "'Gwen Wong'" <wonglabow@verizon.net>, "'W3C HCLSIG hcls'" <public-semweb-lifesci@w3.org>, "'Robert W. Williams'" <rwilliam@nb.utmem.edu>, <zaslavsk@sdsc.edu>
Because it was easy to do a proof of concept with it, and because there are lots of freely available code snippets[1] to add functionality to it should we want to go in that direction. If you had a look you can see that I didn't have to write much code, which is the way I like it :) Note that Google maps also browses a mostly 2d object. It just happens that the 2d object is a sphere embedded in 3 space. It is true that one can have protrusions, like buildings, but there is no facility I'm aware of to view slices. The Brain explorer[2] is a 3d interface. Eric N has suggested trying to script it using applescript gui scripting or some similar scripting mechanism. [1] http://www.google.com/search?client=safari&rls=en&q=google+maps +extension&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8 [2] http://www.brain-map.org/downloadExplorer.do -Alan On Mar 4, 2007, at 7:02 PM, Nigam Shah wrote: > I did pass some emails around to the SMART Atlas folks early last > week in order to get their feedback on Alan's work on the Google > Maps Javascript API and backend PERL code to support caching > images. The Google Maps API is one that has come up endless in > these atlasing discussions, and it's nice to see just how it can be > made useful - what it can and cannot do in this application space. > > Might have been asked before but why Google Maps API and not Google > Earth API (which is 3D). There are websites that already allow > tracking of flights in 3D using google earth API. > > -Nigam.
Received on Monday, 5 March 2007 00:15:40 UTC