Re: URL +1, LSID -1

Michel_Dumontier wrote:
> Unfortunately, this again demonstrates the problem in which the
> identifier for a biological entity - say mitochondrial Aspartate
> aminotransferase resolves to a nicely formatted HTML page. What if I
> have a semantic web application in which I would like to retrieve more
> information about this resource? Since the document is not an RDF
> document with machine understandable statements about it, it seems that
> my application wouldn't be able to learn anything more about

Yes, all your application has to do is follow the link-rel=alternate in the 
header of the web page, or set an Accept: application/rdf+xml header. This 
seems simpler (and more generic) than having to deal with an LSID resolver!

> Moreover, if I, a biological scientist, wish to make a statement (add
> new knowledge) about this protein, I certainly wouldn't want to do so
> using this identifier.

As a biologist I'd think that you would prefer to make statements about, because other, less enlightened 
biologists can enter this into their web browser and get something useful.

> IMHO, if you are going to use URLs to identify RDF resources does not identify an RDF resource, 
it represents our concept of some protein. There just happens to be an RDF 
representation at But most of 
the concepts we use do not (anytime soon...) have such a representation.

> It's great to make human readable pages - I for one love nicely
> formatted pages. But please add a statement (say using the predicate
> HTMLPage or something to that effect) to an RDF document that the web
> page is located at (yai!
> which resolves correctly)

In the parallel universe where all the resources we reference are available 
in RDF, and only a few have web pages, that's the approach I chose :-)

> The use of a location free identifier such as an LSID provides me with
> the capability to make statements about resources that I care about. is as location free as an LSID!

> LSIDs and URLs can live together just fine. Using owl:sameAs predicate
> to bind them together is one easy way of doing this.  Just make sure
> you're talking about the same thing.

Entia non multiplicanda praeter necessitatem...

Received on Wednesday, 11 July 2007 07:17:18 UTC