BioRDF Telcon

Here's the reminder for Monday's call.



== Conference Details ==
 * Date of Call: Monday April 16, 2007
 * Time of Call: 11:00am Eastern Time
 * Dial-In #: +1.617.761.6200 (Cambridge, MA)
 * Dial-In #: + (Nice, France)
 * Dial-In #: +44.117.370.6152 (Bristol, UK)
 * Participant Access Code: 246733 ("BIORDF")
 * IRC Channel: port 6665 channel #BioRDF
 * Duration: ~1 hour
 * Convener: Susie Stephens
 * Scribe: Kerstin Forsberg

== Agenda ==
 * Review action items
 * Progress at F2F
 * Demo equipment update
 * Presentation update
 * Demo progress
 * AOB

Received on Friday, 13 April 2007 19:46:43 UTC