Re: URIs

Dereference, in that context, means something different than what I  
was using the term for.
They mean that there has to be a definition of the subject and object  
in the OWL file or one of the imports.

I was using it to mean, go to the network and do a geturl of the uri  
and do something with the results. OWL and RDF doesn't specify that  
you do that. That would certainly not work, since most of the URLs  
prior to the semantic web don't have RDF or OWL content.


On Jun 19, 2006, at 7:03 AM, John Barkley wrote:

> According
> to:
> and
>, subjects and objects of
> properties are "instances" of classes which means they dereference.
> Presumably, the names we define will be used early on as subjects  
> and/or
> objects of ObjectProperties. Unless the names are only to be  
> objects in
> DatatypeProperties, then they should dereference to their  
> definitions as an
> individual of a class.

Received on Monday, 19 June 2006 14:31:54 UTC