Publish your research results, thoughts, etc., in Biological Knowledge (jnl)

There have been a number of knowledgeable and provocative discussions
on this list, especially recently, that center around "biological
knowledge". Because of the growing interest and importance of the
topic, we recently started the on-line, open-access BioMed Central
journal, Biological Knowledge (BK as I call it),

I'm the Editor-in-Chief of BK.

There is information on the BK site including a list of the Editorial
Board members and how to submit.  We are happy to entertain standard
research papers as well as reviews, meeting reports, opinion pieces,
and more.  The journal is not officially launched, and will not launch
until a sufficient number of papers, beyond what have been submitted
so far, are ready to publish or are in the pipeline.  For that reason,
I am working hard to seek out and contact prospective authors.  Once
the journal is launched, papers will be published on the site within
two or three days of final acceptance.  There is an article-processing
charge (APC) for each paper, but none for submissions in the first six
months after launch, and none for authors who have institutions or
funding agencies that have arranged to cover the APC for them.

All contributions to the journal will be indexed on Medline, freely
accessible on the journal site, and freely accessible through NCBI's
PubMed Central.

Respond with any thoughts or questions you have to this list or
directly to me at

-  Bob Futrelle

PS: This note is not a conventional "ad", as I earn nothing for my
work on the journal.

Received on Tuesday, 13 June 2006 15:00:38 UTC