Re: [public-semweb-lifesci, meta-discussion] RE: Lack of prefix in public-semweb-lifesci Subject line makes it difficult to recognize origin

* Eric Neumann <> [2006-01-31 08:10-0500]
> Phil,
> I think that is a very constructive suggestion... 

Another passing observation aimed at defusing the client / server
debate: W3C mailing lists are also available as "RSS feeds". These
feed URLs, in our case

...can be put into newsreading software (desktop or web-based such as to give members of the community another way of 
keeping track of discussions, without over-burdening their mailboxes. a list of some RSS-reading software. It can be used to read this
newsfeed and many others, organised by topic, date, etc.

The W3C "feeds" for discussion lists aren't perfect, I think they could
be improved eg. in their handling of threads, but they may prove useful
to some folks here.

Hope this helps,


Received on Tuesday, 31 January 2006 16:26:29 UTC