Re: Pharmaceutical Analysis Workflows and IP

Establishing prior art and an open repository of analytical strategies
would be valuable.  Viewed as filtering processes that operate
independently of the input data source, the literature contains enormous
numbers of workflows.  It may be a challenge to automatically parse
these out of the text though.

The result of a filtering workflow will in general be independent of the
order in which filters are applied.  If one were to attempt to protect
the result of an N step workflow, it will require N! claims.

Independent of specific utility in IP law, a repository of workflows
would provide an interesting window into the biomedical research


David J. States, M.D., Ph.D.
Professor of Human Genetics
Director of Bioinformatics
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI  48109
Tel: 734 615 5510
Fax: 734 615 6553

Received on Monday, 19 July 2004 14:46:59 UTC