- From: Martin Senger <senger@ebi.ac.uk>
- Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2004 10:20:45 +0100 (BST)
- To: Greg Tyrelle <greg@tyrelle.net>
- Cc: public-semweb-lifesci@w3.org
> I'm new to this list so forgive me if this is not the right forum to > discuss these issues, nonetheless... > Please forgive me as well... I will try to put some light on LSID because I was/am involved in its specification but I am surely not an expert on the semantic web, even not on such "trivial" things, such as differences between URI and URN :-), not to mention HTTP URIs... > The Life Science Identifier (LIDS) proposal [1] > First of all, here is the latest document for the LSID spec (but what you said about LSID has not changed): http://www.omg.org/cgi-bin/doc?lifesci/03-12-02 > At present HTTP URIs are the best game in town for this. So why is LSID > proposing URNs as a solution ? > Well, my understanding is that URI is a generic schema for identifying resources, and URN is one way how to make this generic schema a concrete one. URN *is* URI (but not vice-versa). It seems to me (but I may be mistaken) that better would be to compare URN and URL: one being location-independent, one not. > 3. Invent new infrastructure for dereferencing LSID (DDDS) > Just a small remark: the LSID spec does not dictate that the DDDS is the only way how to resolve an LSID. There are more ways how to discover a resolution service for my particular LSID. But true is that using DDDS is the most impressive (and possibly the most interoperable) way. > 5. Dereferencing a LSID results in a HTTP URI > Does it really? I think that dereferencing an LSID results in an array of bytes/bits representing the entity identyfied by this LSID. An always very persistent array of bytes/bits - expressing just one, and only one representation of this entity. Or, if an LSID identifies a concept, it results in an empty array of bytes/bits (meaning "there is no real representation attached to this LSID"). > Which brings me to my question, why not just use persistent HTTP URIs > in the first place ? > I am not sure how to answer this ultimate question. Perhaps I need to understand more about HTTP URIs in order to give comparison with the URN used in LSID spec. To be honest I have tried to find more and I gave up after reading very nice article about HTTP URIs by Tim Berners-Lee (http://www.w3.org/DesignIssues/HTTP-URI.html) that gave me feeling that I am out of the league :-( Martin -- Martin Senger EMBL Outstation - Hinxton Senger@EBI.ac.uk European Bioinformatics Institute Phone: (+44) 1223 494636 Wellcome Trust Genome Campus (Switchboard: 494444) Hinxton Fax : (+44) 1223 494468 Cambridge CB10 1SD United Kingdom http://industry.ebi.ac.uk/~senger
Received on Wednesday, 14 April 2004 05:24:27 UTC