Second Screen F2F TPAC 2020 minutes

Hi All,

Thank you for joining the first-ever _virtual_ Second Screen F2F meeting at TPAC 2020! Please find the draft minutes below.

Second Screen F2F - Day 1/2 minutes:

Second Screen F2F - Day 2/2 minutes:

You'll find the summary of actions for each day at the end of these minutes.

As an immediate follow-up action, we'll organize a TPAC breakout session to continue discussion around the last agenda item of the Day 2, aligning the APIs. Stay tuned, we'll send more information on that to this distribution.

For your reference, the F2F agenda was:

Please send any corrections to the minutes to Francois (cc'd). We'll update the minutes with links to the presentations as we get hold off them.

Special thanks to our scribes Francois, Chris, and Mark, the presenters Mark, Srikanth, Alexis, Mike, Zouhir, and Kenneth for leading the discussions for their respective topics, and everyone for attending!


-Anssi (Second Screen WG/CG chair)

Received on Wednesday, 21 October 2020 08:46:53 UTC