RE: Re-chartering of the Second Screen Working Group

Hi Working Group,

Unless someone yells in the next few hours, I will assume that you all had time to take a look at the draft charter and that you are fine with it. In particular, I will take the draft charter to W3C Management for review beginning of next week.

Please get in touch with me as soon as possible if you need more time to review the charter, or if you feel the scope needs to change. You will of course also have the opportunity to raise concerns through your Advisory Committee representative during the call for review.


> De : Francois Daoust []
> Envoyé : vendredi 2 septembre 2016 19:53
> Hello Second Screen WG participants,
> Our charter expires end of October. The group needs to renew the charter
> before that to finalize its work on the Presentation API and on the Remote
> Playback API. Based on discussions we had at last F2F, my understanding is
> that there is no real incentive to change the scope of the Working Group
> right now (that need may arise later on depending on the outcomes of
> discussions in the Community Group).
> With that in mind, I prepared a draft of a possible new charter for your
> review:
> Main changes are:
> - I dropped "Presentation" from the group's name to reflect practice. We're
> basically known as the "Second Screen Working Group"
> - The group would be chartered for another year with the same scope
> - I updated the deliverables section to reflect current status and current
> plans
> - I noted the possibility to work on a version 2 of the Presentation API in
> particular, noting that it won't be final by the end of the charter and that a
> new charter, possibly with a new scope, might be needed after that.
> I tried to keep the diff with the previous charter minimal on purpose, to ease
> your review, that of W3M and that of the W3C Advisory Committee when a
> call for review is issued:
> 4%2Fsecondscreen%2Fcharter.html&
> F2014%2Fsecondscreen%2Fcharter-2016.html
> Could you review that draft by end of next week (9 September) and let me
> know whether it fits your needs or whether you have other views?
> I will take the draft charter to W3C Management for review once that is
> done.
> Thanks,
> Francois.

Received on Friday, 9 September 2016 16:04:52 UTC