Re: Proposed Second Screen Community Group Charter

Hi Mark, All,

> On 19 May 2016, at 08:49, mark a. foltz <> wrote:
> Anssi, Community Group participants,
> I have prepared a pull request with a draft charter for the Second Screen Community Group. 
> The PR reflects a starting point for scoping the work on open screen protocols that we anticipate will take place in the CG going forward; I don't plan on merging it yet.  It reflects Google's position on desirable scope and deliverables of the upcoming work in the CG.
> Along with the draft charter is a list of basic technical requirements for the protocols, to help start the protocol development work and evaluate alternatives when the time is ready.
> Anssi, I would like a time slot to present an outline of this proposal to the working group during the second day of the face to face meeting and host a discussion around it.

Thanks for preparing this input ahead the meeting. Let's discuss this proposal on Wednesday (we have some flexibility with respect to preferred slots, since this touches them all), see:

Mark - would you like to have a separate open protocol presentation slot to complement this? I'm gauging how much time you'd prefer to have. The way how I would structure Wednesday is to first introduce the proposals and discuss them and then after lunch look at how the discussed proposals might map to the future charter(s).

All - here's the HTML preview of the latest proposal from Mark for the CG Charter:


-Anssi (WG & CG chair)

Received on Thursday, 19 May 2016 07:25:04 UTC