Test Facilitator for the Presentation API

Hi All,

I'm happy to announce Louay has accepted a role to become the Test Facilitator [1] for the Presentation API. Thank you Louay! 

As discussed at F2F [2], this is an important role that ensures we're able to advance the spec along the Rec Track. We're breaking new ground in terms of testing with this API since we have two conformance classes to be tested: one for the controlling and one for receiving use agent.

All - you should consider Test Facilitator role similar to an Editor role but for the test suite, so please work with Louay and contribute to the testing activities (create & review test cases, fix bugs etc.) as actively as you've done for the actual spec itself.

My expectation is that Louay will share a plan how we'll move the testing activities forward in the coming weeks and will be asking for your input and help in areas identified. Stay tuned.


-Anssi (WG chair)

[1] https://www.w3.org/wiki/Second_Screen/Work_Mode#Test_Facilitator
[2] http://www.w3.org/2015/10/29-webscreens-minutes.html#item10

Received on Wednesday, 4 November 2015 13:45:47 UTC